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Is there a way to integrate UNA with Wordpress in terms of users?

For instance when someone makes an user/pass on wordpress they are also able to login with the same credentials to an UNA platform site?

(I'm using the plugin Wishlist Member btw)

  • 1163
    • We might pick up a client with WP to UNA transfer and integration soon, which is likely result in some products available for everyone.  oAuth would be easy, as UNA already can act as an oAuth server or client. 

      Nathe Forden , wow, cool that you remember! The whole WebHome ideas were based on syndication plugins which we built based on pubSubHubbub... (whatever it was) and such, but it was a bit too idealistic for our bootstrapped company. You need serious funding to take that off the ground. Also, it seems that federated networks may be executed much more elegantly via blockchain/tangle of some sort and we have been throwing a few ideas around. One day we'll get back to that. 

      • Thank you for the responses! Very promising. I'll look into OAuth, which I assume is an app in the marketplace...

        • HI @shams - the OAuth module for WP does not currently exist in Marketplace - but are taking a look a creating one - I will get back to you on this.

          • I think you can user OAuth2.0 client plugin for Wordpress to make users to login to your Woordpress site with your UNA site login, for example you can use plugin like this:


            To configure it you need to generate key&secret pair for your Wordpress site (make sure you specified correct Wordpress site URL) and configure the following UNA OAuth2 endpoints:

            Authorize endpoint: http://your-una.site/m/oauth2/token
            Access token endpoint: http://your-una.site/m/oauth2/auth
            Identity endpoint: http://your-una.site/m/oauth2/api/me
            Scope: basic
            Attributes: id, email, picture, profile_link, name or profile_display_name

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