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So following the Amazingly Vague Mobile Apps readme tex file I still seem to be getting some errors on compilation of the new Mobile App for iOS. any thoughts from anyone. Maybe @LeonidS @Alex T⚜️ or someone will have an idea of what is happening.


  • 399
    • [!] Invalid `Podfile` file: cannot load such file -- /Users/prizm/Desktop/una-mobile-app-2.0.2/node_modules/react-native/scripts/react_native_pods.

      • Has anyone been able to compile these apps based on the readme.md file in the source. ???

        • I'm not sure what's happening, I would suggest to try to compile apps without renaming first, it maybe something wasn't properly renamed

          • same thing with original unchanged source. simply will not compile without multiple warnings on all the pod files.

            • If anyone can get the apps to compile please run "react-native info" in terminal from the root directory so everyone knows the right environment and version installs to compile..

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