I ran across the need to add a direct home button in the footer in the React-Native Mobile apps and can't seem to figure out the call source in the footer source in the App.js file. This is the source string.
<Pressable py="3" flex={1} style={styles.footerTab}>
<IconButton icon={<Icons.Home size="xl"style={styles.footerIcon} color={useTheme('colors.textOnPrimary')} />} onPress={o.onNotificationsMenu} />
{o.bubbles['notifications-preview'] > 0 && (<Badge num={o.bubbles['notifications-preview']} />)}
The Icon for the footer Button is easy just change to {<Icons.Home size="xl"style={styles.footerIcon} However what would the change be in ['notifications-preview'] to call the Home Screen or main landing page within the app..
The Question is how to change this UNA logo. It only displays while an app function is made and is loading a page or request. Maybe @Alex T⚜️ will chime in on this.
- 1024
Based on my Server PHP setting I have it set to:
max_file_uploads: 384M
post_max_size: 384M
If I upload a video that is over this limit it just hangs and does nothing. I believe there should be an error prompt that tells the user the file is too large and to upload based on the server PHP settings.
On another note even uploading something close to the setting of 384M that I have in my PHP setting still hangs and I can only upload files significantly smaller. I have triple checked the setting buy still have this issue and can only see the error in my browser console output.
Console: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 413 (Request Entity Too Large)
- 1079
So implementing the 2FA with Signal seems a little strange. It works however the end user has to add the + and country code. it would be way better for the Phone number configuration on sign up or in the users Account Settings update be automatically formatted country code as a drop down and Number auto format as (eg. "+1" <-- drop down and Number input "(123)123-1234") This would correct the Issue of end users not formatting the Phone number field correctly for the SMS 2FA with Signal.. Thoughts on this Welcome? @Alex T⚜️ @LeonidS
- 1092
On UNA.rc2 all the photo uploads display as 16x9 aspect ratio and distorts the image. How can this be fixed??
- 1007
Error: SecurityError: An insecure SockJS connection may not be initiated from a page loaded over HTTPS
Having Jot-Server running on another independent server and having the Server URL for messenger pointing to the server in:
Settings > Messenger > Server URL for messenger
Jot-Server connect for just a few seconds then drops with this Error? Any resolution?
- 1168
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) https://(site.com)/quill.min.js.map
this file is not found in my root /dir
Any thought on this?
- 938
Update to Una 13.0 RC2 activated 2FA and site crashes when the phone number is submitted on the second page /login-step2. I tried to implement this fix https://github.com/unaio/una/issues/4046 but this did not correct my problem. in addition I cleared the cache via ftp as well..
Site Error:
- 943