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Hello ! I am brand new member, registered today, living in France. I am looking for a solution to run a multiple-user videochat, able to let people share their cam and broadcast mic voice in room. I am a part of a french videochat team, we run rooms working with the old and obsolete camfrogweb technology (often 25 ou 30 people in the same room). I have heard of html5 to do that, and that a feature named "chat +" exists here. Can any one tell me more about that ?

Thanks a lot !


  • 2643
    • Hi Eric LeBreton - and welcome to UNA! We have Chat+ which is a 3rd Party solution based on Rocket Chat. We also offer a native solution based on Jitsi.org which uses Web RTC protocols. You can test Video Chat here on UNA.io - we are expediting the development and roll out of this and hope to include it in an update of UNA Messenger within the next week.

      • I don't recommend Rocket Chat and what do u mean that UNA has video chat, where and how, i don't see it. Are you saying UNA will have video chat soon, when?

        • Hello Mark and Will, I need actually an html5 videochat using Web RTC.

          I found one that is close to what I am looking for, but I am not at all satisfied with the customer service.

          Mark, I agree with Will, I do not find videochat here on UNA.io !

          I can tell more about my research in private if you want.

          It's late here I go to bed, see you tomorrow !

          • Mark P  So this is pretty much going to be the same and available to all to replicate a part like what is to be in my site?

            • You have to download the Jitsi app to use it unfortunately. I saw the video cam icon in UNA messenger, got excited, until it told me to download Jitsi....to me it defeats the purpose since there's no way to avoid having to download it to video chat...I believe Rocket Chat has a built in video streaming service but their website sucks on tutorials and instead refers to Github and special codin...it's really frustrating that a year later and still no video/streaming capabilities. Even Dolphin had tons of native streaming services and video chat options. I would rather have UNA work on that instead of all these other apps

              • Videochat is being tested here on UNA.io - see the link via Messenger. We are planning to release an updated version on Messenger integrating Jitsi this week. Currently working best on desktop via Chrome browser. 

                • That was the WRONG picture to post.. Do you know how much fun people could have with Photoshop with this picture?? 😂 😂 😂 😂 

                  • That was the WRONG picture to post.. Do you know how much fun people could have with Photoshop with this picture?? 😂 😂 😂 😂 

                    Haha! Please go right ahead, we all need a laugh atm! But remember that UNA.io is a PG rated website 😂

                    • I wonder why you wouldn't recommend Rocket Chat? What has been your experience with it? I wanted to implement it, but I'd like to hear your feedback on it.

                      • Hi dantelbm, as far as I could see Rocket Chat has no video feature. I need a system with cams. I have tried it, and have even a trial free account for 15 days.

                        • I wonder why you wouldn't recommend Rocket Chat? What has been your experience with it? I wanted to implement it, but I'd like to hear your feedback on it.

                          Rocket Chat is great, it is designed as a Slack alternative, it is a 3rd party integration into UNA whereas UNA Messenger is a fully provisioned native module.

                          • There is barely any instructions for Rocket Chat also it is not video chat ready. It is not an out of the box experience as the owner has to do a lot of figuring out how to modify it. Also it does not grab user profiles like it claims to do. Rocket Chats website is bad too....no instructions and everything is forwarded to Github. It's super hard to navigate also it has a ton of different versions like PC, Android, iOS, so forth. Not one version that can detect what device you're using. I saw Live Chat, and Live Broadcasting in the settings but have no idea how to set them up as there's no tutorials and even UNA doesn't have one. We would love to use Rocket Chat if it truly can do what it says it can but right now you simply can't by yourself out the box and that's the problem. Lack of proper tutorials is why many people don't want to touch it.

                            • Yes Will, that's what I experencied too. The videochat I am using for now allows to see as many cams as needed at the same time, write on the room, and take a microphone to speak to everybody (push-to-talk).

                              Here a screenshot of a room (faces have been hidden)


                              but as explained above this technology is aged and works only with internet explorer !

                              That's what i am searching desperately ...

                              • https://www.agora.io/en/

                                This third party API is integrated in tons of the top Live Stream/chat apps. Andrew Boon Mark P if UNA could contact them and set up a bridge with their services many UNA members would gladly pay for an integration service. I don't know how to code so I would be lost as to how to set it up myself but maybe UNA could act as a bridge and maybe set it up on people's sites under custom work? Please look into it

                                  • Thanks, Will, but it does not match my needs ...

                                    • danfelbm is there any way to remove the jitsi.org logo in the left upper corner?

                                      • danfelbm when I create a chatroom using your code, I think that random people can be in the chat. I created a chat with the name "1" and random strangers where in the chat room as if they were testing jitsi at https://meet.jit.si/1 

                                        • Genesis That is being hosted via Jitsi with his script. So it cannot be removed. Also, if you run a jitsi server yourself using https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/master/doc/quick-install.md It also ask you not to remove the logo here https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/master/doc/api.md 

                                          • You can set it up with a password so that only those you send the link and password to can get in. Otherwise, its just being hosted by Jitsi servers and available for those looking to connect

                                            • I hope it will work and NOT require Chrome. The less GOOGLE anything, FB and other as well, the better and safer for the people.

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