Added a discussion

I ran across the need to add a direct home button in the footer in the React-Native Mobile apps and can't seem to figure out the call source in the footer source in the App.js file. This is the source string.

<Pressable py="3" flex={1} style={styles.footerTab}>

<IconButton icon={<Icons.Home size="xl"style={styles.footerIcon} color={useTheme('colors.textOnPrimary')} />} onPress={o.onNotificationsMenu} />

{o.bubbles['notifications-preview'] > 0 && (<Badge num={o.bubbles['notifications-preview']} />)}


The Icon for the footer Button is easy just change to {<Icons.Home size="xl"style={styles.footerIcon} However what would the change be in ['notifications-preview'] to call the Home Screen or main landing page within the app..

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