Added a discussion

Hi everybody, I started to study this Platform 1 month ago more or less, and yesterday i decided to buy powerups package + a space in TMD Hosting to make my first online website with UNA. Are several hours that i'm trying to do something, but actually im not sure if I can do it. I have some questions for you, and I hope someone can help me to understand if I can do it those things or not. Thank you very much.
1) Can i move "number of followers" and "number of following" more visibily at the profile pagine close to avatar (like instagram, to be clear)
2) Is it possible to add a double textbox (email and password) with login button (as facebook, to be clear) in the landing page?
3) Can I automatically set all categories of Post, Discussion, Polls etc with same of name of spaces/groups?
4) Is the a post/manual to understand how can i set the module "messanger"? I installed it, but when i open messanger page, all page is white and nothing appear.
5) Can i insert a searchbox in the toolbar? (like facebook, to be clear)

Actually, i have a lot of more question, but i don't want take advantage of your help too much! Really, really thanks for the eventual replies.

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