Added a discussion

In the group section, when adding content - publish material - the material is shown to the user, but when the page is reloaded in the admin panel, it is not visible anywhere. The line behaves very strangely - do not show the location - you cannot change it, apparently the problem is stuck somewhere.

  • 2110

      Looks like you have the Javascript errors there, please open the browser's error console it should log more info there (in the Chrome browser it is possible to do with the pressing F12 button on the page). 

      • Hi Leonid,

        we see system write:

        DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://www.XXX/marka.min.js.map;: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

        Files in root / - nothing. All files in inc/js/ and other folders.

        This erroк view on this pages:

        Groups (add content)

        Personal Page (add content for user)

        What's we need made?

        • Midway update: the site had the usual error with the One Signal PUSH notifications setup: the inserted integration code in the Designer->Injections->Header area. This is wrong - in UNA it's enough to enter the One Signal key and secret in the Studio->Settings->Push notifications area. No need to insert the Javascript code - it will direct to the JS errors and breaks any JS code on the page.

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