Added a discussion

My site is running: 14.0.0-A2. Settings -> Permalinks and have enabled SEO links has been set.

Problem: after posting my first discussion on my site, titled, testing, the url displayed properly. The url is: https://website.com/view-discussion/testing

Since my first post in Discussion, other users have posted in Discussions. However, their posts' url doesn't display properly, for example instead of having the name of their title displayed in the url, it shows:


It should appear as: https://website.com/view-discussion/Name-of-title-here

and when I turn off: enable SEO links, it resorts back to:


and when I turn on: enable SEO links, it resorts back to:


However, when enable SEO links is on, my first post, titled: testing, appears correctly, it shows:


but all the new Discussion's url shows incorrectly.

How can I fix this?

  • 737
    • Hello @Simon !

      Did you change something in the settings of the Title field? The similar cases with the autogenerated URL appear when the title isn't filled.

      • @LeonidS, no I didn't change anything in the Title Field. The only thing I did was add 8 more categories to Discussions, e.g. Business, Entertainment, Geopolitics, Health, Science, Sports, Technology, World. Note: I didn't place the categories in order, and afterwards I moved these categories in order but left category on the top of the the list like this: General, Business, Entertainment, Geopolitics, Health, Science, Sports, Technology, World.

        Could this have cause my issue? If so, a possible bug?

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