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Is there anyway, a setting somewhere, anything, anything at all that removes all the clunk from 'post to time line' function?  currently it looks like this, i mean its massive, its got all this - visibility, publishing time, location, post button, all this CLUNK lol. why so much clunk? it takes up the whole page just to have a post to time line function.


it should look like this i would have thought.....


like the one on facebook. much less clunkie. much easier to use, much easier to fit onto your home page.

Do i have the wrong post to timeline module installed? or is there a setting somewhere that I can remove clunk? i want to get rid of location, visibility, publishing time.

  • 2105
    • Some of that stuff you can remove, but overall UNA is in dire need of some simplification and needs to be made more intuitive.  "Clunky" is the right word. 

      • Yes, i don't mind much for those functions to be available via desktop, but mobile is a huge problem. No one likes to have to follow several steps just to upload a photo or video, they want to just upload and post.

        • I can see what they are trying to do, keep up with the times amd make this platform a leader, BUT boy do they need end user input. Right now the new dolphin looks like a bunch of techies/progamers have been let loose and allowed to make stuff that they themselves think is good, but never thought to check with if the general public might like to actually use it that way. They need a bunch of tards like us that sit there and give honest oopuin (OMFG this needs a spell checker no one wants to look like a tard - again end user input).

          •  can't even make a simple menu in this new dolphin, everything is very difficult

            • I have mentioned the same exact thing in one of my earlier posts...didnt get much feedback and yes they do need to ask us more that arent really into the coding part but overall design you can see an earlier post here https://una.io/page/view-discussion?id=5957 or https://una.io/page/view-discussion?id=5753

              • The extra functions do have a use but they should be hidden until needed  Have an icon for visibility that shows the input when needed to change the visibility.  The same for publishing time.  Most of the time those are not changed.

                • I believe Publishing Time is only visible to admin and I still like the idea of having visibility as a key icon on top of the Post as a mini drop down menu like Dolphin had. UNA should have kept that key. On the flipside Froala Editor can be modified in code according to their website and that includes buttons, box shape, etc

                  • Agree - UNA looks to be "programmer design"  as opposed to "designer"  which would make it simpler and more user friendly.  We've been struggling with this for a while. 

                    • has anyone figured out how to remove the 'location' on/off  button in 'post to feed' block? I have found in developer a bit on forms that turns off location but it doesn't remove the offending button which i believe is just useless clunk, plus I think its invasive for people to have thier location on things they post, so i want it gone, turning if off doesn't help. there must be a div somewhere that holds this node, but i can't find it, does anyone know where I can start looking and experimenting?

                      • i figured out how to do it! in developer, geeze this stuff is hard lol

                        • and i have reinstalled UNA and can't remember how I got rid of location, i know its in developer somewhere but i just can't remember where the heck it is. I really don't want my site demanding peoples locations lol and i don't want to collect that information also. So can anyone remind me how to remove location from the post to feeds, discussions and stuff?

                          • Hello Little Pockets !

                            You may disable the buttons and input fields via the Studio->Developer->Forms->Timline area, just find there the necessary form.

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