In spite of the 'Set Badges' item being enabled in studio, the Set Badges button does not appear on any Spaces or Groups menu. Is this a bug, or am I overlooking something?
The query executed ok but I got the following warnings:
Warning: #1364 Field 'addon' doesn't have a default value
Warning: #1364 Field 'markers' doesn't have a default value I don't see how these warnings have anything to do with the query, but the warnings did appear after running the query... maybe they'll make more sense to you than they do to me.
Anyway... that did not resolve the problem. Does everyone have this problem, or is it just me?
If you already have this button then you need to deactivate / activate it in the Navigation module. If it will not help - then PM me with your UNA studio access.
Hello Houstonlively !
You may try to execute the following MySQL command to insert it:
INSERT INTO `sys_menu_items`(`set_name`, `module`, `name`, `title_system`, `title`, `link`, `onclick`, `target`, `icon`, `submenu_object`, `submenu_popup`, `visible_for_levels`, `visibility_custom`, `active`, `copyable`, `editable`, `order`) VALUES
('bx_spaces_view_actions', 'bx_spaces', 'profile-set-badges', '_sys_menu_item_title_system_set_badges', '_sys_menu_item_title_set_badges', 'javascript:void(0)', 'bx_menu_popup(''sys_set_badges'', window, {}, {module: ''bx_spaces'', content_id: {content_id}});', '', 'check-circle', '', 0, 192, 'a:2:{s:6:"module";s:9:"bx_spaces";s:6:"method";s:19:"is_badges_avaliable";}', 1, 0, 1, 30);
The query executed ok but I got the following warnings:
I don't see how these warnings have anything to do with the query, but the warnings did appear after running the query... maybe they'll make more sense to you than they do to me.
Anyway... that did not resolve the problem. Does everyone have this problem, or is it just me?
On closer inspection, your query duplicated an existing row in sys_menu_items Therefore, I deleted the new entry.
If you already have this button then you need to deactivate / activate it in the Navigation module. If it will not help - then PM me with your UNA studio access.
As I said in my original post, the menu items are activated in Studio, so it has to be something else.
LeonidS I dumped the sys_menu items database table, and found the following:
(2304, 'bx_spaces_view_actions_all', 'bx_spaces', 'profile-set-badges', '_sys_menu_item_title_system_set_badges', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 192, 'a:2:{s:6:\"module\";s:9:\"bx_events\";s:6:\"method\";s:19:\"is_badges_avaliable\";}', '0', 1, 0, 1, 6),
Once I changed bx_events to bx_spaces, everything worked OK
Here's the SQL from /modules/boonex/spaces/install/sql/enable.sql line 254 (line 257 on Github)
('bx_spaces_view_actions_all', 'bx_spaces', 'profile-set-badges', '_sys_menu_item_title_system_set_badges', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 192, 'a:2:{s:6:"module";s:9:"bx_events";s:6:"method";s:19:"is_badges_avaliable";}', 1, 0, 50),
Thank you for the report and the investigation: