I noticed after uploading 45mins video from Youtube using Video Downloader, it only took 10mins to transcode to my site on my 8core CPU server, after that I can see there is still one core CPU 100% processing the video into WebM format, how can I config to skip this, since I only need mp4 for my site, this webm processing time is way to long and occupied 1 core of my CPU for many hours....
thx team~
This is true, we only need mp4. I mentioned this a long time ago and they said they would add an option to disable webm. I am waiting for this before I encode my videos. I noticed if I put bad ffmpeg options for webm in the database, it will force webm to fail, but it doesn't seem like a good idea. Also, I tried to comment out some things in the una software, but this didn't work either.
hey Joseph, I tried comment out, didn't work for me either,,,, can someone at least guide us how to skip WebM post-processing plz :)
or at least teach us how to use all of the CPU cores when processing WebM, atm only 1 core is used and super slow encoding, but for mp4 it used all of my 8 core CPU
You can use Joseph Capers approach and add some option to webm conversion string to make it fail, until we do something in UNA.
You can do it in filter_params filed in sys_transcoder_filters table for all records where filter = Webm
I've got it bypass webm by adding "reture true;" before that function, all working great now :)