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How do we capture SPACE entries?

I would guess that a much bigger percentage of the UNACMS community uses the SPACE module for geographical purposes.

In fact, from all my research or studies many years ago looking at multi-site architects it became clear to me that especially because of the SPACE module, UNA has answered my dilemma and given me peace of mind from a time and cost-effective approach... but how?

The multi-site architect was a good approach to bypass server resource usage and as we all know it "High availability and scalability", each site or community has its own server linking one to the other, and for many days I spent with Druplal Social Platform which has given me multi-site capabilities bla bla bla.

I often wondered how Facebook as an example could perform so well given the millions of records it processes and not experience slow response etc., henze, was it a single domain as we all know it facebook.com and not uk.facebook.com or usa.facebook.com?

Until I discovered Database Clustering technology... wow, I was blown away... (Please read up on it).

Knowing this, I was introduced to UNA already making use of this technology. In short... it is database redundancy, not how we used to know it in the past.. replica of the same database but use a load-balancing server if I wish to keep it simple... How we make sure data is routed or channeled properly is something I do not wish to go into, but then UNA gave us the SPACE module... a deal breaker beyond your imagination given database clustering technology over the GROUP Module.

This canceled out the Multi-Site approach letting you run operations the same way Facebook does .. but UNA gave us a little more than that... The SPACE Module to structure data on a High level or User level except we have one constrain..... classification. Run your multi-site operation using the space module and save thousands on operation costs etc.

Before phpFox and other vendors can bridge this gap... I suggest UNACMS give us one more feature a.s.a.p ...... Google Maps/Location mother-child relation ... Country/State, Province/City, and perhaps places to store our data more structurally on our SPACE module with perhaps a label that specifies whether we want to use it for geographical purposes or not.

AT this moment, I created categories to distinguish country, state, and city, but my concern is that I can not open the creation of SPACE to the public because they might just overlook the fact that their country is not yet created and I don't have a dropdown that can guide them.

Also, and to conclude... who wants to create a SPACE for the USA, UK, or South Africa only to create SPACEs within... bad practice

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