Added a discussion

I'm restarting my installation of UNA, I'm on step 7 of requirements (Required PHP Modules: The following PHP modules must be enabled for UNA to function correctly: curl, gd, mbstring, json, fileinfo, zip, openssl, and exif.). I've gone to: PHP PEAR Packages and there is a message: Using Your PHP Extension(s) and Application(s)

You will need to add “/home/friend/php” to the include path. You can do this by adding the following code to your script:

ini_set("include_path", '/home/friend/php:' . ini_get("include_path") );

Question. Which file do I need to add the above line of code? I assume I have to add it on the last line?

Thanks! p.s. I'm not too techie but pretty fair at following instructions.

  • 315
    • Hello @Simon !

      If this part blocks your UNA installation then you may try to add that directive right to the install/index.php file, after the line like:

      define ('BX_DOL_INSTALL', true);

      But it's more reliable to ask your hosting provider to add that directory to your server's settings.

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