- · Andrey Yasko
- ·
Running UNA 13.1. in the cloud hosted by UNA
AD MODUL: I wonder if anybody can confirm the lack of moderation after a user 'edited' an ad.
- "Auto approve switched Off" results in the need of moderation by admin, works well
- "After editing of an AD by the user", the ad is published without any need of approval by admin
Is this the way it should work? Or is there a lack of moderation/approval after editing? In my opinion approval of an ad after creating makes no sense, as long the user can edit this ad without approval....
- 135
Migrate video from dolphin generate this error: in dolphin_migration/clases/BxDolMVideos.php And I really don't understand why it should be mandatory when someone uploads a video in UNA to be obliged to add a title or description. or title. Uploading a video should not force the user to give a title or description as it is with photos, an absurd rule.
This error clearly shows how much consideration the UNA team has for those who bought licenses from boonex and spent money on UNA development and want to migrate to UNA, after many years there is still no migration script , that allows them to migrate their content,
this is just an example but there are many errors. the result is that the migration script shows that all the videos have been transferred, but the reality is that only the databases have been transferred, but none of the videos work, only one shows that it has been transferred, but it never loads, the rest of the videos are missing, only the titles appear and the descriptions
Sep 07 05:01:04 [3] /grid.php?o=bx_dolphin_migration_transfers&a=run&skin=artificer&start=0&ids[]=videos&order_dir=ASC&csrf_token=fe0c00b7047ab0c5a77e630811f8589d&_r=0.2036714785414382 Database query error
Error: Column 'text' cannot be nullQuery:
INSERT INTO`bx_videos_entries`SET`author` = ?,
`added` = ?,
`changed` = ?,
`video` = 0,
`title` = ?,
`allow_view_to` = ?,
`text` = ?,
`status_admin` = ?,
`status` = ?,
`cat` = ?
Account ID: 1
I tried to change the values in the migration script, for the enhanced title but for the description I have the same error
$iTransferred = 0;
foreach($aResult as $iKey => $aValue)
$iVideoId = $this -> isItemExisted($aValue['ID']);
if ($iVideoId)
// Sugestion start$sVideoTitle = !empty($aValue['Title']) ? $aValue['Title'] : 'Untitled Video'; // Default title if missing$sVideoDescription = !empty($aValue['Description']) ? $aValue['Description'] : 'No description'; // Default description if missing// Sugestion finish// $sVideoTitle = $aValue['Title']; // original code
$sQuery = $this -> _oDb -> prepare(
`author` = ?,
`added` = ?,
`changed` = ?,
`video` = 0,
`title` = ?,
`allow_view_to` = ?,
`text` = ?,
`status_admin` = ?,
`status` = ?,
`cat` = ?
$aValue['Date'] ? $aValue['Date'] : time(),
$aValue['Date'] ? $aValue['Date'] : time(),
$this -> getPrivacy($aValue['Owner'], (int)$aValue['AllowAlbumView'], 'videos', 'album_view'),
// $aValue['Description'], //ORIGINAL CODE$sVideoDescription,$aValue['admin_status'] == 'active' ? 'active' : 'hidden',$aValue['status'] == 'approved' ? 'active' : 'hidden',
$this -> transferCategory($aValue['Categories'], 'bx_videos', 'bx_videos_cats')
Any sugestion? another error another error that I could not solve:
Sep 07 06:09:20 [3] /grid.php?o=bx_dolphin_migration_transfers&a=run&skin=artificer&start=10&ids[]=simple_messenger&ids[]=timeline&ids[]=membership_levels&order_dir=ASC&csrf_token=28785c6e70e82a3c85e228545fbf192c&_r=0.6021135109759834 Database query error
Error: Duplicate entry '' for key 'hash'Query: INSERT INTO `bx_messenger_lots` SET `created` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), `author`= :author, `participants` = :parts, `type` = 2Account ID: 1
Hi All, I hope you are doing well. I have website with free SSL(letsencrypt) and JOT server is also configured to use same domain as website but with different port.
I am using free plan from cloudflare where only universal SSL is allowed and not custom one.
As soon as I turn on cloudflare for my website, messenger is not working and it says connecting. When I checked console of browser it says "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT" . My server url in messender setting. "websitedomainname(dot)com:5000"
When cloudflare is turned off then messenger is working as expected.
Everything is hosted in one VPS. how can i make messenger works when cloudflare is on? Any suggestion will be much appreciated.
- 408
Just to give new ideas:
Google maps integrated in place of the cover images of the group.
Logged in users are shown in the periods we choose.
Their names are shown on click to pins.
1- is there a way to circumvent us having to upload a module to UNA store just to install on our platforms? If not, how do I upload so I can download for my platform?
2- Who wants to build a community app bigger than the other social media platforms? Let's connect 😁
- 569
UNA 13.1. in the cloud hosted by UNA
I wonder how to get a HORIZONTAL list of cetegories in the Glossary search form. I remember well we had this discussion here in the forum about this issue, but I cannot find it.... it was about some minor additions to the DEV/glossary/searchform.....
- 793
I'm looking to add a Display but not sure if it possible.
The goal is to have the user enter their calendar URL into a form. I would like to then assign a Navigation item to reflect his UrL
Not sure if having something dynamic like this based on a form is possible. I just purchased Advanced Menu to help, but not sure if it can. Does anyone have experience on with doing this?
- 791