Devin Young

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I'm not sure if this is possible but doesn't anyone know how to change the color of Embedly font titles? In Dark mode, Embedly titles are hard to read because the font is also dark.

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I'm having an issue with my timeline feed not loading to next posts after my set 24 posts. I've tried the "Load More button" and the "Enable Infinite Scroll" but neither is loading more posts. Any idea why? I read the other post 13.1 timeline issue: Timeline stuck in Loading ( but didn't see any resolve.

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I'm using the splash page but having an issue when user clicks the Login link. I get a popup message "Leave site? Changes you made may not be saved." Happening on all browsers. Anyone know why this is happening?

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I'm using the new Artificer theme. The problem is the 'Welcome to Our Community' message with the 'login' 'create account' buttons header stays on the homepage whether you're logged in or not. I don't want to turn on the 'disable pages covers' because that affects other pages. How do I get rid of that homepage Welcome header?

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I currently have version 12.1.0 and and looking to upgrade. I do not have an upgrade link on my dashboard.

What are my options?

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After migration to another server, dashboard host status shows "Web Server -UNDEFINDED" Extended audit information shows "rewrite_module - UNDEFINED"

I looked at /studio/dashboard.php?action=phpinfo but can't find where to look for rewrite_module.

Everything seems to work fine on the site. I don't notice any operational issues but wanted to know how the 'UNDEFINED' issue could affect the site.

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We migrated to another server now getting an error 500. I'm guessing caused by path change:

Old server:

/usr/local/bin/php /home/ACCOUNT/public_html/

New server:

/usr/local/bin/php /home/ACCOUNT/web/DOMAIN/public_html/

Where do I update/change these settings?

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Newbie...However, I purchased the affiliate module last night and contemplating unbiased news feed purchase for $9, however, I cant seem to install anything...Also, I'm seeking partnerships to white label market saas affiliate products locally...I have my own domains to attach, tap in!!!!

  • 1406
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What to do when getting this message when attempting to upgrade:

"Can't apply upgrade because the following files were modified: template/images/cover-homepageOLD.svg, template/images/cover.svg, template/images/cover-homepage.svg"

  • 1165
Devin Young Discussions
Embedly Color Format
Timeline Feed "Load More" button and Auto Load not working
Issues with Splash Page
How to get rid of the 'Welcome To The Community' Homepage Header
Upgrade Link Not Available
Web Server - UNDEFINED