Experiencing issue with Payment App
For some reason on my 'payments' app settings, this is showing up:
On the profile 'payments details', this is showing up:
Does anyone know what/why this is? How can fix?
- · Peter
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Hope that is helpful :)
- · Peter
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- lang key --> text
- _bx_payment_option_currency_exchange_api --> Exchange currency API key (by exchangeratesapi.io)
- _bx_payment_gc_currency_code_cpt --> Currency
- _bx_payment_gc_currency_code_default --> Default
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Hello @Devin Young !
Those keys have been added in UNA 14.
- · Devin Young
In reply to Peter
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Thank You Peter, that was a big help. It seems the issue was that those lang keys were 'not found.' I created the keys and they now display properly.
I have two more that are 'not found.' They are:
Do you know what they should be?
Thanks again.
I do have UNA 14. For some reason in the polyglot keys, those keys are 'not found.' Peter's advice worked. Thank You.
- · Peter
In reply to Devin Young
- ·
- Isn't used to process payments directly. Is needed to store personal settings for usage in the other
- Select your own currency instead the default one
Which 14 subversion do you have? Also do you have the actual Payment app version too?
I have 14.0.0 RC2 and payment app 14.0.6