Gary Teeling

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I am desperate for an answer to these two questions. I am trying to get our magazine launched and I need a social network with Profiles and Groups activated up and running ASAP. I want to do that in days, not weeks or months. I currently have Dolphin 7.3.3 loaded on my server but unconfigured. I suspect I could get it operational in a few days to a week. Is that correct?
I would prefer to start with the UNA Cloud but I am concerned that getting the site operational might be more techy and take me much longer. If Dolphin will get me started faster I would go with that and then move over to UNA over the coming months. So can you tell me if UNA can be up and running as quickly as Dolphin bearing in mind that I am not a super techy guy, average at best. Or should I go with Dolphin now and move to UNA later? Please, please respond asap, thanks. Your thoughts will be much appreciated.

  • 1695
Gary Teeling Discussions
Ease and Timeframe of Configuration - Dolhin vs UNA