I am trying to find a way to use php or js that I can use to Injections into space header.
I am looking to create a code that can use profile_id=26 when you are posting in space and update Visibility* base on that Id since <optgroup label="SPACE"> and <option value="-26">HVAC Copper Fittings</option> for example if the code look for id and and update the visibility for the Value automatically it would allow user to post what they are posting in the right place in space without having to choose from Visibility.
- 1691
I see space list
but when I click on discussions for example I don't see a way to add something.
can someone explain how it work? only thing that you can add something is timeline
thank you
- Space
- Info
- Members
- Albums
- Classes
- Discussions
- Events
- Files
- Glossary
- Polls
- Posts
- Tasks
- Ti
- meline
- Photos
- 1839
It would be nice to create a category or label and assign it to different module. Another than retyping it if you want to same for different module.
Maybe in the next update ? Impossible?
300 done 3000 to go...😌
I have install the latest UNA and I have problem with the video upload. when using the link site. com /s/bx_videos_videos/76psxhp7ad62s26hmfhyxez5baizj9lh.mp4 I can see the video, but its not working on site com/ page/view-video?id=5
Things I did
- Went to sys_transcoder_queue and clear it
- Went to /site/plugins/ffmpeg and ffmpeg.exe it is 777
- Try reupload it same problem
What I'm I seeing
- Scheduled for publishing as soon as video conversion is complete.
- Path: /site/logs no error
- Active awaiting
- /.htaccess
- RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /
- Web Server - UNDEFINED
- RequirementsPHP:
- version = 7.3.27 - OK
- allow_url_fopen = On - OK
- allow_url_include = Off - OK
- magic_quotes_gpc = Off - OK
- memory_limit = -1 bytes - OK
- post_max_size = 64 MB - OK
- upload_max_filesize = 64 MB - OK
- register_globals = Off - OK
- safe_mode = Off - OK
- disable_functions - OK
- php module: curl = curl - OK
- php module: gd = gd - OK
- php module: mbstring = mbstring - OK
- php module: json = json - OK
- php module: fileinfo = fileinfo - OK
- php module: zip = zip - OK
- php module: openssl = openssl - OK
- php module: exif = exif - OK
- MySQL:
- version = 5.7.32 - OK
- Web-server: Apache
- rewrite_module - UNDEFINED
- 1369
Is there a way to call for Discussions Categories name?
If the someone post something say in "general" category. What code can I use to call for that name
Get:categories-name print ----> general
Ps not a coder
Thanks you
- 1151