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I am posting here about this as I don't really know where else to post this, but it's a question about Jot Messenger. I have read the details and looked at the screenshots about it, but my question is, is it capable or does it dock down the right hand corner like (Dare I say it!) FB? If not, is anyone thinking of developing it further so it does?

Kind regards,


  • 2016
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What a Hovercards plugin?

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This is my first post, so I hope I am writing it in the right place, please correct me if I am wrong!

I am new to Una and just have it on a test site at the moment to evaluate it and see if it is exactly what I want, but I played around for a while with Dolphin previously but never got any further than that, but if I am right, didn't Dolphin have a pop-up for Registration and Login?

Anyway, whether it did or not, my question is, can anyone give me some guidelines/instructions on how to do this, preferably from the Splash Page?

Kind regards,


  • 1964

Well let's try out this new version! :)

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Jot Messenger
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