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hi, am I the only getting headache in not finding very simple basics in una, 

how can I remove, (delete) a group? please, 


  • 2459
Added a discussion

hi, even with every layout, my una front page has almost 10 cm from the left and right of monitor free space, it makes the contents become too close together, simple question, how can I have similar to page that takes whole the screen? 

more advanced question: how can i adjust more values regarding such sizes? which one is better px or % ? 

  • 2516
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very very strange, there is even nowhere how an admin can change his passord? 

no any place that admin can change email account of users, 

please don't say account module, because I don't see special things on that, every simple blog has reminder or activation bottom

and now with Token expired. Please try again. , I can even not log in, I change the amount of Online status timeframe (minutes)  to 0 and to 1000, no change. 

  • 2718
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is there any possibility for a una user to download his account (files, pictures, ..) like facebook before deleting his account, or even not related to deleting his account. 

is there any module for ? 


  • 2571
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I was wondering if Una group already developped a standard cookie, privacy and terms and condition for una and modular softwares, or even added these issues to the list of compliance for dveloppers of modules, 

as a busines user of a script, we may not know what is running in background of an application, writing in a public simple language may help the business or every organisation user of platform to provide the text as minimum standard to their privacy , data policy, ...

we all knoàw that today the privacy behind sociale comunity sites is very important abd we have to protect ourselves for every fout in script, vulnerabiloties and hacks but also at least provide the correct information what exactly the script collect from users.....

of course every website has to add extra texts based on his special activity.


  • 2459
Reposted maxim's discussion.


in dolphin, you could adjust the width of the page, each colomn of even each page easily, is there a similar way or another way to adjust these values, for eg. my all three colomns are very narrow, how can i increase them...

  • 1170
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in dolphin, you could adjust the width of the page, each colomn of even each page easily, is there a similar way or another way to adjust these values, for eg. my all three colomns are very narrow, how can i increase them...

  • 1781
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I a very positive about Una project and I  like to contribute in una development project, let say starting with translation and then we will se what I can do more, 

I found some pages as toturial, but they are for very old dolphin versions, is there any link to guid me to the right direction, 

for ex. how can I translate or make a group or be part of a group for such small sub project. 

just let's expand it together. cheers 

  • 1522
Added a discussion

Hi everybody, sorry for this very streng question, I just installed una, I am very excited to see una in action as I was much more familiar with dolphin and I see totally something else in my una, for eg. in admin I see much less possibility to even manipulate template, to see who are members, ....

so I have got some doubt if what I did is really the correct una version , I installed all free modules so I want to know all what I needed to run the script smoothly are there, .... before giving unnecessary bad comments ;-) , 

brief, who wants to check my site from backend admin panel, please pm me to give you user, pass, 

many thanks in advance, 

  • 1514
maxim Discussions
how to delete groups?
how can I increase the width of front page to become similar to website?
change admin password
user data and his right to download before deleting his data
TERMS OF SERVICE, privacy and cookies of Una scripts
template: how to change colom width in different layouts of each page or generally the front page