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I am using the entity_info_full method from the Persons module to display fields in a block on the Profile Info page.

A number of fields are configured on the 'Full View Person' form and should be visible in the block, but it only shows the default Status and Email fields.

Has anything changed in UNA 12 for this?

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I'm having an issue where the comment button doesn't appear for updates in the timeline for non-administrators/moderators. It also doesn't appear on the individual item page.

It does appear for other types like posts and photos, is there a specific permission required to allow commenting on updates?

  • 1424
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Hello all, just wondering if there is any functionality that would support bulk creation of profiles that can then be claimed by organizations.

For example, the "Claim this Business" functionality on Google -

  • 1963
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Hi all, I'm new to UNA but looks great 👍

I'm trying to figure out if it would be possible to define relationships between persons and organizations and display them in a similar way to LinkedIn (see left image in attachment) - a person can define a title for the relationship, start date of relationship and end date of relationship, and their past relationships can then be viewed as a list on their profile.

If multiple relationships with the same organization can be grouped like the right image in the attachment that would be excellent.

Would also be great if the organizations profile could show persons who have a current relationship with them.

Does anything like that functionality exist?

  • 1948
nfarrell Discussions
entity_info_full doesn't show all fields in UNA 12
Commenting permission for Update
"Claim this Profile" functionality
Person's history of relationships with organizations