I just did a fresh installation of UNA 11.0.
Trying to create a personal profile for the default administrator
I found I cannot upload profile pictures.
Please advise Is there anything that I may have done wrong?
It's a fresh installation.
using Nginx with UNA specific rules
location / {
index index.html index.htm index.php;
rewrite "^/page/(.*)$" /page.php?i=$1 last;
rewrite "^/m/(.*)$" /modules/index.php?r=$1 last;
rewrite "^/s/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)" /storage.php?o=$1&f=$2 last;
if (!-e $request_filename ) {
rewrite ^/(.+)$ /r.php?_q=$1 last;
#end of UNA rewrite rules
- 2109
Today you may notice the video icon in the UNA.IO messenger. We are are testing embedded Jitsi Meet integration, which is the first step towards equipping UNA with a full stack of A/V streaming and conferencing tools.
Video is still a very tricky area, especially when the challenge is to use open-source technologies and low entry cost architecture. Most popular video-streaming apps rely on proprietary RTMServers and purpose-built native apps. Open technologies like WebRTC progressed a lot in the last few years, but various browsers and OSs still make it cumbersome to built universal solutions. We have chosen Jitsi as the most popular open-source toolset for video conferencing. Once we get a smooth solution using Jitsi Meet integration we plan to explore the setups with own on-server videobridge as well as multicast features like one-to-many live video streaming, simultaneous recording/compressing, etc.
- 1455