jot server config for messenger

hey! i need a little help getting jot server to work.. i have a VPS.. Ive installed node, seems ok.. and jot server.  but the messenger page is blank,.,.

THere may be an issue with the sever certificate locations, its a littlle confusing,.. can you please help as ive tried everything now and i cant get it working. Im already nearly at the end of the first month and havent got the basics going.. thanks!

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Replies (19)
    • Hello Penamacor !

      It seems you've installed the JOT server according to this manual . So what trouble do you have with this part?

      /* If you have https server (recommended) you need to fill 3 fields below */

          root: '/folder/with/https/cert/files',

          cert: 'myfilename.cert',

          key: 'myfilename.cert',

      • thanks Leonid,

        im not sure about the certificates since i have various ones! 

        Here is my config file:

        i have opened the TCPv4 port on the server firewall.. for 5000














        The certificates directory looks like this. Note that i cant see any cert files, only .crt and some pem in another folder.

        Relevant certificates only copied below:





        When i visit the page its blank:

        when i run forever.js i get this:

        [xxXxx@vps jot-server-master]# forever start app.js

        warn:    --minUptime not set. Defaulting to: 1000ms

        warn:    --spinSleepTime not set. Your script will exit if it does not stay up for at least 1000ms

        info:    Forever processing file: app.js

        (node:6816) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'padLevels' of module exports inside circular dependency

        (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)

        (node:6816) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'padLevels' of module exports inside circular dependency

        [root@vps jot-server-master]# 

        [XXXXX@vps jot-server-master]# node --version


        [root@vps jot-server-master]#

        im not sure if there are any dependancies missing on node.js.. 

        Let me know if you need any other info.. 


        • Hello,

          It looks like you forgot to perform Jot Server installation. After archive uploading to the server you should perform command:

          npm install 

          in the root of the Jot Server folder (where package.json file is located) and then try to run the server again.

          • hey alexy. 

            i did perform this install, but didnt copy everything.. 

            i re did that and restarted the server with this message in response

            [root@vps jot-server-master]# forever start app.js

            warn:    --minUptime not set. Defaulting to: 1000ms

            warn:    --spinSleepTime not set. Your script will exit if it does not stay up for at least 1000ms

            info:    Forever processing file: app.js

            the page is still blank...

            • Provide me please with studio access info via PM, I will check.

              • im so close now but..

                the page just says connecting,, for a long time until it fails to connect..

                anyone any ideas? firewall seems OK with ports open


                • my server host has also tried.. they cannot resolve it

                  someone please help.. the only thing im not sure about is the certificate locations.. see above

                  I attempted to check the server unsuccessfully for any logs that may indicate a connection issue. This seems to be a configuration issue. I also attempted to check for any error logs within the application itself, but this was also unsuccessful. Unfortunately, this is not within our scope of support as we are unable to assist with the configuration. If you have a general request to open a port, we can complete the request. In this case, the application is running, but some functionality does not seem to work.

                  • the messaging IS working now. but it takes ages to connect..

                    also u dont see the message unless u refresh the page.. is that normal?

                    • Problem has been solved.

                      • Nice work! ;)

                        • Having this exact problem can you post what fixed it for you and the process..?

                          • Problem has been solved

                            • Is there any information on how this problem was solved as I am seeing the same problem

                              • Hello!

                                Can you please describe which exactly problem do you have?  You can not install certificate?

                                • I have the same issue with always connecting.....

                                  after setup everything. Sadly no solution tip in here


                                  • Hello @UltraTM !

                                    The usual reason of the not connecting messenger is in the closed ports of your launched JOT server. If you can't connect there using for example the telnet [Your JOT IP:port] command then it the problem os certainly there.

                                    • Hello!

                                      Please check console of the browser. There are may be the errors which help to understand the cause of the problem.

                                      How to open console:

                                      Chrome - CRTL + SHIFT + J

                                      FireFox - CTRL + SHIFT + K

                                      • Hi,

                                        this is what it says. For me nothing usefull

                                        • Hello!

                                          Can you please provide me with user access to your site vi PM? I will check.

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