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Hi everyone

Any apps or custom modules in place to have an auction feature for a marketplace? Something similar to Ebay where you can set times, feedback, descriptions etc.

Have looked and searched around but couldn't find anything useful


  • 1263
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Hi guys
I get this error when sharing am update/post from my site if anybody can help me out please?

  • 1392
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Hi guys
What is the best way to stop emails going out to new users spam folder?  Our site is new and don't want to put off new users interacting on our network.


  • 1496

Any way we can implement a module or field for a 5 star rating feedback system for Users? (just like a product review)  Other Users would be able to leave feedback that would appear on the profile of another user.

  • 1183
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Hi guys
Just need some help with setting up a Paid membership level along with Stripe etc..

  • 1512
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Hi guys

I have added some extra fields to the "Write Profile Post" for the Timeline Form.
Now these extra fields come up on all different module posts on the Timeline, for example discussions and polls. I only want to view these fields on the Post to Profile Feed

  • 1047
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Hi guys
What would be a good way to implement a feedback system for users on our site?
We will have a marketplace system in place, once a transaction happens we want the users to be able to provide feedback on that transaction.

  • 996
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Just want to get some feedback on what Messenger setup people prefer and why?
With a few different options available, I want to hear what works for everyone.

  • 802
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Hi guys
Just setting up my new site, I have a domain name registered on Wordpress but hosting on the Una Cloud-4 platform.
What 2 custom name servers do I enter on the Wordpress DNS records? Have been looking around but can't find them.

  • 714
Sportcodex Discussions
Auction Listing App
Error when sharing to FB
Best way to stop Email going to Spam
Paid Membership
Fields showing on all modules Timeline posts
Feedback system for Persons