Reviews to Personals
    • This is a great add-on. I had some difficulty trying to edit categories and I had to do it manually within phpmyadmin but that might be my overlooking this option within the Studio. I'm pretty new to Una and that is a very good possibility.

      It would be great if we had an option to see who viewed our profile.

      • Version 1.0.1 has been released. The module is now compatible with UNA 12. Also fixed issue with managing Categories.

        • Please resolve the problem with UNA since this module "Personals" is still not updating and in Studio -> Apps Market the module still shows as not installed although it is installed. The version in Apps Market still  shows 1.0.0 not ver. 1.0.1 .....; This is shown in our UNA -> Studio -> Apps Market

          I am looking at your other modules but I am not going to buy any of them until this problem get resolved after loooooooong waiting.....

          • After troubleshooting, I realized that this client had backup copy of personals inside the module folder. This was causing the issue. Once removed, everything was perfect. Problem solved.

          • Solved with help of Jerome Mingo !

            I have this in my /modules/modzzz/ folder on server:


            after renaming "_personal-old" to " .personal-old" the problem has been solved. I can see the module in Apps Market correctly now:

            • Bonjour , j ai acheté le module , mais j’aimerais que le membre ai le choix dans sa recherche et que ce soit des cases coché car la il n y qu 'une possibilité de recherche soit il cherche une femme soit un homme 

              je voudrais que ça ressemble a l’image .merci 


            • bonsoir, ou dois je aller pour traduire ; Pets, Want Children,Have,Children, Smoke, Drugs . merci d'avance

            • And second thing how to do to transform the first image into the second. thank you

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