This is a Classified-Type of module that is specifically tailored for Personals.
Postings will allow the entry of information typical for dating/social connection such as personal statistics, habits, and preferences etc.
See sample list of features below.
- Personals can be filtered by Orientation (Straight, Gay, etc.)
- Personals can be also filtered by Type of Relationship (Friendship, Love, etc.)
- When browsing listings, you can choose to set these filters that will apply for the entire browsing session.
- You can drill down Personals Listings based on location to find persons within the same City etc.
- The module is integrated with the Conversations module so that it is possible to send messages right from the Personals profile page.
- It is possible to post reviews of interactions with the person on the Personals profile page.
You can view my full list of modules at https://una.io/page/products-author?profile_id=200
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- · Nathan Wilson
- ·
This is a great add-on. I had some difficulty trying to edit categories and I had to do it manually within phpmyadmin but that might be my overlooking this option within the Studio. I'm pretty new to Una and that is a very good possibility.
It would be great if we had an option to see who viewed our profile.
- · Jerome Mingo
- ·
Version 1.0.1 has been released. The module is now compatible with UNA 12. Also fixed issue with managing Categories.
- · Mayki
- ·
Please resolve the problem with UNA since this module "Personals" is still not updating and in Studio -> Apps Market the module still shows as not installed although it is installed. The version in Apps Market still shows 1.0.0 not ver. 1.0.1 .....; This is shown in our UNA -> Studio -> Apps Market
I am looking at your other modules but I am not going to buy any of them until this problem get resolved after loooooooong waiting.....
- · Mayki
- ·
Solved with help of Jerome Mingo !
I have this in my /modules/modzzz/ folder on server:
after renaming "_personal-old" to " .personal-old" the problem has been solved. I can see the module in Apps Market correctly now:
- · dreamlove
- ·
Bonjour , j ai acheté le module , mais j’aimerais que le membre ai le choix dans sa recherche et que ce soit des cases coché car la il n y qu 'une possibilité de recherche soit il cherche une femme soit un homme
je voudrais que ça ressemble a l’image .merci
There is no attachment. You can search by both male and female from the search form ... http://www.yoursite.com/page/personal-search
- · dreamlove
- ·
The language keys for those are dynamically created upon installation of the module. Go to http://www.yoursite.com/studio/polyglot.php?page=keys and search for the text that you want to translate
Good evening
In polyglot:> Personals (484modules)
I can't find: pets, Religion, Want Children, Have Children, Smoke, Drugs, Drinks ect ect
I have been looking for two days in all the files and on the given database to translate into French.
If anyone has the solution thanks.
The example above shows my Polyglot screen when I search for "Have Children". Please post a screenshot of your screen if you are seeing something different.
- · dreamlove
- ·