I didn't see which cronjob to setup....can you provide some insight.
I'd really love to get this working. I've tried everything I know, it will not import. My cron job is running.
What can I do to troubleshoot?
patch 1.0.1 is released. If you have auto-update activated, it should be automatically applied. If not, download the patch and place it in una_root/modules/modzzz/newsrss/updates folder. The patch can then be installed by going to "Apps Market" in your UNA Studio.
Jerome, it does not yet appear to work for me. Is there someway to manually fire off the process and do some logging to I can see what is happening?
Me too, still nothing
The mod works fine now, I hope Jérôme will add the image importation from the flux in a next update. That will be really very better
Version 1.0.2 has been released which allows importing of Images
Hello Jerome,
I have just purchased "rss importer" en "news" but I have an error when trying to add new feeds.
In studio, I have set "Content Module to populate with RSS feed" to "Feed"
Then when I click on "RSS feed list" I am redirected to the page /page/newsrss-manage . From there I click on "Add new" but I get the following error message : "Unknown control type Unknown control type".
Could you please help me ?
Thank you
Patch 1.0.4 is released - This provides UNA 12 compatibility as well as fix some reported issues.
Patch 1.0.5 is released - Fix issue with empty Categories in the source module from which the feeds are fetched.
No default Categories. How / where do add Categories to this module so that I can add a URL for fetching News? What is the actual pathway in Forms app to add Categories for this?
Go to the settings page for the module and select which module it will be populating with the feeds. The Categories associated with that module will then appear when you try to add a feed. Currently, this module can integrate with one of the following (Modzzz News, Modzz Articles or UNA Posts)
I just bought this module. When I choose "posts" and try to create an RSS I still have the error of empty categories (as posts has no categories)...how to fix this?
Looking at your site, it seems you already have this resolved.
Unfortunately, the module is a bit glitchy!...Breake news disappeared for unclear reason, but more importantly the module stopped updating despite of adjusting the Crons setting in the mule. Unfortunately, support is sluggish and scanty.
I've got this set up with some test feeds. They appear under the posts tab, so that is working. I am wanting them to also appear in the Public feed in Timeline. Is there a way to do that?