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Hello, I have 2 small questions:

1) I will want to change my domain name, what should I change in the script / database?

2) which is better for Una: plesk or Cpanel?

  • 1672
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Hello, I have a recurring error with BxDolTemplate. Has anyone ever had this problem? And the solution, thank you in advance


  • 1858
Added a discussion

I have a problem with an error 500, no access to my website sometimes its ok and at another moment no...
If someone can help me...
In attachment the log file

  • 2039
Added a discussion

When I share my site with link (homepage) on facebook or twitter, it shares the favicon logo, it's very very bad!
When I share a space on twitter for example, it doesn't put the cover image (no image) ....
How can I do to correctly share the cover images (homepage and also in the different modules)?

  • 2059
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I Cannot launch jot server (I use plesk), my log file:
{"message":"Server Error","stack":"Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/usr/local/psa/var/modules/letsencrypt/etc/live/'\n    at Object.openSync (fs.js:465:3)\n    at Object.readFileSync (fs.js:368:35)\n    at parse (/var/www/vhosts/\n    at Array.forEach ()\n    at create (/var/www/vhosts/\n    at new createServer (/var/www/vhosts/\n    at Object. (/var/www/vhosts/\n    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1256:30)\n    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1277:10)\n    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1105:32)","errno":-13,"syscall":"open","code":"EACCES","path":"/usr/local/psa/var/modules/letsencrypt/etc/live/","domain":{"_events":{},"_eventsCount":3,"members":[]},"domainThrown":true,"level":"error","label":"jot-server/app.js","timestamp":"2020-08-04T12:20:09.357Z"}
That is my config file:
I cant change the permissions on the files and its better for the security, so what can I do ?

  • 2010
Reposted Ghislou's discussion.

Hi, I transfered my website in another host with a new installation but I have a problem with shadow box. I dont understand because we can upload with mobile or computer with safari (shadow box ok) but not with the computer with firefox or chrome. Have you an idea where is the problem ?

  • 775
Added a discussion

Hi, I transfered my website in another host with a new installation but I have a problem with shadow box. I dont understand because we can upload with mobile or computer with safari (shadow box ok) but not with the computer with firefox or chrome. Have you an idea where is the problem ?

  • 1278
Reposted AQB Soft's product.

It is flexible and comprehensive system to monetize user's activities. In other words, it allows to reward members with points for their activities. You can guide members' to any part of the site and make them more active in : posting comments, creating posts, voting, sending friends requests, uploading videos, events, etc… Members can also get points levels according to their points balance. 

Now points values can be both integer and float (floating point values with precision of 8 digits) values, thus you may use points as #crypto or currency with minimal value 0.00000001

Main user abilities: 

1) Earn/Lose points for the listed actions

2) Buy points for real money

3) Exchange points to real money

4) Give points to other members

5) View history

6) View site's notifications about just got/lost points using dropdown menu with details. 

8) Reach points levels 

Main administration abilities:

1) Set exchange rate for purchasing points for money 

2) Set exchange rate for exchange points to money

3) View/edit users history

4) Set floating-point precision for points values

5) Full control of users' activity. Ajax panel allows to edit already existed or to add new actions to the module and set points for each participant who can be involved to the action. For example: when you send new message in conversation there are two users who can earn points: first - person who sents and 2nd - who gets the message. Another example: if you have new talk in and someone adds new participant to the talk, then 3 members can get different amount of points: talk's owner, person who adds the new person and new person

6) Allows to process members' requests to exchange points to money manually or pay throw the site using available payment providers

7) Set restrictions on number of the action execution during 24 hours. For example: you may set 3 times per day for photo uploading and then member will be able to get points only for 3 uploaded photos during 24 hours. 

8) Reward/Penalize members with any number of points. 

For example: An active member creates a lot of unique and useful content, you as admin can present any number of points like 100 points with message - "Good Job". Then member will get 100 points and see the message in history. 

Members can get notification by email about presented points from admin/members. Admin can disable/enable emails notifications via admin panel. 

9) Points System can detect just installed modules and allows to add the action or grab already existed from Alerts table automatically. In this case you just need to fill the points values for the actions. 

Full actions control

  • disable/enable module with actions
  • disable/enable an action
  • add action to the module
  • add person for each action to get/lost points
  • dropdown list which helps to add users to alert's participants list or to add your own value. 

10) Can create any number of point levels with their points' range, names and avatars.

Next update with new abilities is coming soon :) 

#Points #Exchange #Cryptocurrency #Currency #BTC #Wallet #Withdraw

  • 950
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Hi, I am new on UNA (but before with dolphin), Im loking for the configuration but I have 2 problems:
- at the home page, in the block system: create post "get_create_post_form", I cant put text (check image), the icon stay, its like it loads but cant...
- Also in the audit I have "thread_cache_size=0 _FAIL (must be >0), check image, is it a big problem or not? because with TMD cloud I cant change that in mysql
Maybe you have some ideas 

  • 1154
Ghislou Discussions
Questions about new domain name and plesk-cpanel
Error with BxDolTemplate
Error 500
Social sharing problem with picture
Problem to launch Jot-Server permission denied ssl files
Problem with shadow box when upload (photo, video...) with chrome or firefox