Gifs in UNA.IO

This integration allows you to search for gifs and automatically embed them on UNA's wall.

To get and idea, you can always watch how it operates by clicking the following link: demo.


1. Api key from  (you can easily get the key for free at Tenor.)

2. Froala module installed in UNA.

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Reviews (3)
    • Change Log v1.1

      + Added functionality in reply to comments.

      • This is a great integration. Have tested in both timeline posts and comments. It works great. If I had one complaint it would be, not all gif results pull, maybe 5 gifs to a search when I know Tenor has more then that because it is what Discord uses and others. The scrolling box for gifs. I may be able to fix some of this myself to make it look nicer. All in all a great integration of something I know I have wanted for a very long time and at an affordable price. 5 stars. 

        • With UNA possibly getting rid of Froala do you have plans to incorporate this into TinyMCE? 

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