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Tested in as you can see in the link, the declaration of characters is wrong. can it be corrected?

Thank you

  • 673
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The menu of all actions in the video module does not work

  • 854
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Can someone tell me the key to translate what is marked in red?



  • 964
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How could I make the Dynamic Browsing: Views block start by default with the videos filter?


  • 1057
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Version: 13.0.0-B1

Only administrators can see the page of a future event. For past events it works correctly.

Can someone confirm this error for me?

  • 1063
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As you can see in the image the emails have an error in the css

  • 1075
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In the login block I can't translate these two lines, I use 13.0.0-A2



  • 1145
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Is there a block with the profiles with the most followers?

Otherwise someone could tell me the sql query to get the list with the most followers. I have currently created a block with the users with the most visits but I want the same with the followers.

This is the query I do so far: $sql = "SELECT * FROM `bx_persons_data` WHERE `picture` > 0 ORDER BY `views` DESC LIMIT 25";

  • 1264
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Instead of adding a block with all the feeds I want a wall with only the channels.

Would it be possible?

  • 1178
Antonio Discussions
Charset declaration is missing or occurs too late in the HTML
Menu fails in videos with the new update
Missing translation
Dynamic Browsing: Views
Future event: Page Not found
Bug email templates