Comment to 'Paid join for groups and courses'
  • Hi @Karina What doesn't work from your side? Please can you give more details. Also have you set up your payment provider?

    • yes I had tested it with a user's membership, set up the payment provider and then created the pay and join with the amount etc. I can't remember what the issue was exactly, I'll have to retest again, or look at my logs when I reported it.

      • Hi @OneEagle , I went back to my messaging logs, and found that I reported the error. This was actually reported back in Nov 2022, where pay and join was working only if the event/group etc was a subscription, not a one-time lifetime payment. A User once clicking on the payment button, got an error. Last I know, they were supposed to fix it. But I haven't tested it since to see.

