Comment to 'Pin & stick & Design'
  • The feature works as designed, bit is not quite finished, apparently. The naming is confusing, so it will be changed a bit and we do need to mark posts pinned by admin to all feeds as Pinned - 

    The "Pin" feature is for pinning a post to the top of the context. So, it will be called "Pin Here" and shown only inside the context. For example, user can pin their own post in their own timeline. Or a group admin can pin a post to the group timeline they control.

    The current "stick" is an admin-only action allowing to pin a post to all subscription feeds. So, all users following the post author see such pinned post at the top of their feeds. 

    The Promote feature overrides "following" exception and shows the post to all members regardless of whether they follow author or not. 

    So, if a admin wants everyone on the site to see a post and see it at the top - they need to Promote and Stick (Pin for all) that post card. 

    • Ok Andrew, I understand better, I thought it was just a way to give importance to a post, because when you do "Pin", it then occupies two widths in the feed. (in lucid only).
      So if I understand you correctly, it's the opposite then, he should not do that in Lucid? Because I found it interesting and not bad me ... see capture.

      • Double width for pinned posts is only used in Outline (masonry grid) view for the feed. In “timeline” view it’s the same. Yes, it’s only like that in Lucid and we are experimenting with this feature - so far it seems to be more trouble than its worth. 😏

        • I also like it, if you can do it, it should please a lot.