I agree with Will Monte. I am very intrigued and if I wasn’t still in the midst of midterms maybe I would be seeing it but my brain is on life-support at the moment and while I know a magician never reveals his tricks, maybe this once we can break the rules 🔮
I see and i can see what you mean, but if you guys can just slow down for a small amount, that's all i would ask. Nice idea thou
I say full speed ahead 😝 I love the aggressive rollouts and of course I live for new and enhanced features but I am a special kind of living on the bleeding edge, likely to crash to my entire environment at anytime type of SysAdmin but at least it does give me reason to keep my dev environment around haha
Now if I could just get that Jot Messenger Client update released to the Market so I can fix my iOS app. I'm willing it to happen today 😬
I am beginning to foresee the future you have foretold Andrew Boon