
Here is some magic straight from ... 

Watch carefully and consider the potential.  😁

Hint: it's bigger than any other feature we have ever added 🤓

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Replies (43)
    • Just curious, what would be the purpose of this. In other words, perhaps i'm looking at how i can sell this to some users over at my site.

      • 👀

        • I agree with Will Monte. I am very intrigued and if I wasn’t still in the midst of midterms maybe I would be seeing it but my brain is on life-support at the moment and while I know a magician never reveals his tricks, maybe this once we can break the rules 🔮 

          • Consider that... all sorts of service calls can be used - specific posts, forms, browsing results, profile cards, join form, etc. 

            Then think of how it could be used while building pages in Studio - not just replying on available builder blocks and settings, but simply creating an empty page with custom block and throwing together any combination of these macros, text, layout, etc. Say, a page like a footer-less, header-less login page with centred login form can be made in a minute and no need for special settings in the builder!

            Or, say, adding a few cards of team members profile into the About page, regardless of whether they share specific membership, featured status, or anything that we may have built a block for. Just add any IDs and it will render cards.

            Or, say, a Documentaton page, linking to various specific posts, discussions, articles, not with static text links that you have to update if anything changes but with embedded cards that update if posts are edited.

            If we take it far enough you could build entirely custom pages with unique combinations of functional elements.

            Some of these macros could be available for site members, not just admins - so they could serve as internal embeds, "attached" posts/media/etc. Say, I post some  videos to Videos module, and then create a blog post with a few of those video cards inserted within my post. 

            Or, I could write an announcement, and encourage people to create new discussions when they have question, and actually embed a "Create Discussion" form into my post. 

            Endless possibilities.

            • 🤯🤯🤯

              HOLY SMOKES! That is incredible Andrew Boon! Thank you so much for laying it out like that.

              Would this in theory allow an administrator to build Progressive Web Apps hosted on the same server or externally and render them natively in a custom block without the need for an iFrame? (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET THIS BE TRUE🤞)

              • Here's an opportunistic example... I've already replied to Will in this discussion, and normally I'd either have to reply again to you, or link to my reply to Will, or ask you to see my reply to Will. With these, I could just embed a macros with the ID of my comment to Will and reply to you: See this comment .... " and it would show the comment card inline. 🤯

                • Consider that... all sorts of service calls can be used - specific posts, forms, browsing results, profile cards, join form, etc. 

                  Then think of how it could be used while building pages in Studio - not just replying on available builder blocks and settings, but simply creating an empty page with custom block and throwing together any combination of these macros, text, layout, etc. Say, a page like a footer-less, header-less login page with centred login form can be made in a minute and no need for special settings in the builder!

                  Or, say, adding a few cards of team members profile into the About page, regardless of whether they share specific membership, featured status, or anything that we may have built a block for. Just add any IDs and it will render cards.

                  Or, say, a Documentaton page, linking to various specific posts, discussions, articles, not with static text links that you have to update if anything changes but with embedded cards that update if posts are edited.

                  If we take it far enough you could build entirely custom pages with unique combinations of functional elements.

                  Some of these macros could be available for site members, not just admins - so they could serve as internal embeds, "attached" posts/media/etc. Say, I post some  videos to Videos module, and then create a blog post with a few of those video cards inserted within my post. 

                  Or, I could write an announcement, and encourage people to create new discussions when they have question, and actually embed a "Create Discussion" form into my post. 

                  Endless possibilities.

                  Okay Andrew Boon i'm all for new and excited ventures, and i can only imagine what UNA team might be working on behind closed doors. I and many here help as much as we can so that you guys can continue developing, fixing bugs, etc..., but bro can you please try to have your team just stay on one version, try to make it stable as much as you can. Many are posting some bugs, many are learning UNA, many have issues, whether they maybe small or just confusion, who knows. Can you just slow down a bit.

                  • I agree with Will Monte. I am very intrigued and if I wasn’t still in the midst of midterms maybe I would be seeing it but my brain is on life-support at the moment and while I know a magician never reveals his tricks, maybe this once we can break the rules 🔮 


                    • Here's an opportunistic example... I've already replied to Will in this discussion, and normally I'd either have to reply again to you, or link to my reply to Will, or ask you to see my reply to Will. With these, I could just embed a macros with the ID of my comment to Will and reply to you: See this comment .... " and it would show the comment card inline. 🤯

                      I see and i can see what you mean, but if you guys can just slow down for a small amount, that's all i would ask. Nice idea thou

                      • I hear you! This particular improvement is so exciting because it actually allows us to avoid a lot of complexity in making new settings, special cases and conditions and to accomodate for simple requests. Also, it is a result of the work being done for a few custom implementations we're working on now. 

                        Just think about this simple request: someone wants a login page with nothing but a login form, in the middle pf the page, not stretched to the entire page width. Currently it's not really possible to do - you can create a page without a header or footer, but then you have to choose layout which specifies sections with proportional width, without absolute constrains. So, we have to make a half-page login form with some placeholder text/image on the other side, hide the other side on mobile, etc. With these macros, we can just create a block with a container that has specified width constrains, centre it, insert login form macros and job is done. 

                        I feel that it should give us shortcuts to servicing lots of custom requests without overcomplicating the system settings.

                        • I see and i can see what you mean, but if you guys can just slow down for a small amount, that's all i would ask. Nice idea thou

                          I say full speed ahead 😝 I love the aggressive rollouts and of course I live for new and enhanced features but I am a special kind of living on the bleeding edge, likely to crash to my entire environment at anytime type of SysAdmin but at least it does give me reason to keep my dev environment around haha

                          Now if I could just get that Jot Messenger Client update released to the Market so I can fix my iOS app. I'm willing it to happen today 😬 

                          • I am beginning to foresee the future you have foretold Andrew Boon 

                            • Also, I will just attach this link here and run away... 🏃 

                              • Alex T⚜️ should be able to explain it better on this one, but my perspective is that these are kind of sanitised service calls, which can be used (by Permissions-based users levels) in content modules or content-generating blocks. So, instead of using service calls / API directly and programming them into your UI (web or native) you can actually still use the visual page-building interface in Studio, and mix in service calls that are safe and functional within given context.

                                So, to that effect, you can create page with new combinations of functionality even if modules or system don't provide such blocks or layouts. 

                                Potentially (this is where I know that AlexT will be getting grumpy :D) it could be a page with your own css-grid layout, own unique positioning of menus, feeds, browsing results, cards, you name it. 

                                • That is quite promising at least for my particular use case as I have spent many many nights trying to force a solution in which I wish to extend the functionality of my site, in a consistent UX whether web or native, that is outside of the modules that are currently available from UNA or Third parties and not possessing the time or likely skill necessary to build my own custom modules, I feel like PWA's filled that gap for me but over the many many nights its just been a pile of failure from UX to expected functionality in part because of the current limitations.  

                                  • Magic is the right word indeed. I welcome all these good ideas, however tell me that you do not intend to integrate it in v11? Because I think what Will wants to say is that we look forward to it and that already in the state it seems quite heavy. Maybe you should clarify what is the program, for now it's a bit rough in my head, especially since you also talked about JotReact and as we said before, we also like to hold our informed members about the future. Not very clear for now ...

                                    • I agree this is some pretty fancy footwork here. I don't want to pop anybody's balloons here but, what about ReactJot as mentioned above by Baloo ? We got a preview of it back in December of 2018 and it is now almost 1 year later and we still don't have it. I have been following this project since it's preview and I was advised that it was "re-built" and ready for testing back in October. I just hope you are not trying to add so many features to it that it's because of that, the module is being delayed. Why not release a functional ReactJot and maybe add feature enhancements to it later. We were also informed about Giphy getting integrated into other existing modules so that Gifs could be used in updates, posts, and comments. 

                                      Again, this is pretty neat indeed and will probably be beneficial to some site owners. But I also think that features like ReactJot and Giphy would be even more beneficial. 

                                      • Magic is the right word indeed. I welcome all these good ideas, however tell me that you do not intend to integrate it in v11? Because I think what Will wants to say is that we look forward to it and that already in the state it seems quite heavy. Maybe you should clarify what is the program, for now it's a bit rough in my head, especially since you also talked about JotReact and as we said before, we also like to hold our informed members about the future. Not very clear for now ...

                                        Correct, it's all good with new ideas, but I guess it is what it is. Who knows.

                                        • Maybe .....erhhh I dunno actually. maybe if we could embed forms..... that could be useful 

                                          • Maybe .....erhhh I dunno actually. maybe if we could embed forms..... that could be useful 

                                            Who knows, still waiting on ReactJot

                                            • Yes. You can embed forms. See in my screencast - I’ve embedded a create-new-post form into a timeline update. 

                                              • Right now we stick to fixes, performance updates and fine-tuning. Any new features or modules only come if they’re part of custom implementations for X-plans and when we negotiate merging into core package. I would love to release JOT as soon as possible, but right now it would not be very prudent - we are getting close to a 1000 live sites working on UNA and need to make it as stable as possible  

                                                • All “new” features coming out now are only due to custom Implementation projects. They’re effectively side-products of someone‘s tailored setups. On our own we only focus on fixes, libraries updates and performance improvements. As we build a bigger base of Pro/Cloud clients we can afford to invest into new system features from community requests and our own plans. For now the priority is in making UNA and all apps stable and fast. 

                                                  • My bad, I took this post as showing an "new" upcoming feature. If I read your comment right, this is just showing a custom job for a client and NOT intended to be a preview of an upcoming feature to UNA itself. Basically showing the possibilities of what UNA can do. 👍 

                                                    • Thank you Andrew Boon this is an absolutely amazing feature the power of UNA just increased a 1000x. I can not wait to get my hands on this functionality.

                                                      It would be really useful if site ADMINS could decide what functionality to make available by user level...

                                                      Some of these macros could be available for site members, not just admins - so they could serve as internal embeds, "attached" posts/media/etc. Say, I post some  videos to Videos module, and then create a blog post with a few of those video cards inserted within my post.

                                                      • So Chris  I actually don’t take it that way partially because of the way Andrew Boon explained it but also the fact if you look at the source code and the commits that have been submitted it seems pretty clear at least to me that it’s going to become part of the base code. Of course that doesn’t mean anyone will be forced to use it

                                                        and actually I think when he says it’s not a “new“ feature it’s more that this was something that they were paid to do for a customer as a custom job which means it was part of the workflow that would’ve happened anyway and not a side project taking time away from bug fixes and other improvements. 

                                                        If I’m guessing right, I actually think it’s pretty bad ass that the general population and supporters of the platform would be given access to something that was developed as part of a custom job costing custom job money. I wouldn’t have expected that kind of benefit 

                                                        • Just like Mosi76 noted, it’s being developed as part of the customer job (actually a couple of customers), but it will be added to the version.

                                                          We have different agreements on different features - some unique features remain part of client projects and are never even shown here (customer IP) while some we agree to add to the version.  When we add to the version we all benefit from the initial work being paid for by the customer, while the customer benefits from reduced (or zero) cost for future updates. We only do this for feature that make good sense to be included for the core. 

                                                          • With this instance we have clients with requirements that need to feature set not easily achievable with current UNA components. As we have built UNA as a 'Meccano' set of parts, rather that just build out the customers requirements, our resident engineering genius Alex T⚜️ builds a new set of parts that will be used to fulfil this customers requirement, as well as be useable for a huge multitude of other configurations and variations.
                                                            It's a win for the client - who gets custom built software at a fraction of the real cost, with minimal or zero update costs - and a win for the UNA community, who get epic new features with no capital investment. UNA license fees essentially go towards covering the costs of future updates, so we all contribute a little towards the ongoing maintenance and evolution of these features.
                                                            Make no mistake, this feature is a big one - it will provide the core functionality of many groovy UNA based solutions that can be created by us and you guys over the years to come.

                                                            • شكرا على هذه الأداة الرائعه 

                                                              تواجهني بعض  المشاكل عند  إضافة لغة جديدة  

                                                              • Hello Mirsal !

                                                                Thank you for the warm words! So what troubles did you meet with the new languages?

                                                                • You are welcome I wanted you to explain the correct steps for creating a new language model in because I tried it and failed to do it And I wanted to find out is there anything that prevents this like a license or copyrights and so forth  That was all Again, thanks

                                                                  • If you really want to do something to make us jump up and down, then work on real time push/pull notifications built into the platform instead of forcing us to use a third party application.  Also, comments should be real time as well.

                                                                      • I just had to press a button to see new content, it should be real time, automatically appear as I am sitting on the discussion.

                                                                        • I just had to press a button to see new content, it should be real time, automatically appear as I am sitting on the discussion.

                                                                          The main reason we don’t automatically push comments now is that it can cause comments to shift/jump if a new comment is loaded in as reply in threaded mode - somebody is reading a comment and suddenly everything shifts down a bit.

                                                                          If comments were only presented linearly in oldest-first order like chat messages we could do that easily, but most popular choice is threaded comments with latest replies preloaded. So, live comments in such situation would cause shifts.

                                                                          What would you suggest considering this?

                                                                          • I just had to press a button to see new content, it should be real time, automatically appear as I am sitting on the discussion.

                                                                            The main reason we don’t automatically push comments now is that it can cause comments to shift/jump if a new comment is loaded in as reply in threaded mode - somebody is reading a comment and suddenly everything shifts down a bit.

                                                                            If comments were only presented linearly in oldest-first order like chat messages we could do that easily, but most popular choice is threaded comments with latest replies preloaded. So, live comments in such situation would cause shifts.

                                                                            What would you suggest considering this?

                                                                            I don't know what to suggest Andrew Boon but people don't like refreshing pages via mobile.

                                                                            • well, it’s really a matter of making this more complicated (creating more settings and special cases - live for liner comments, live-trigger for threaded, etc) or more simple (like settling on just one type of sorting). Most other examples of comments that we see take similar approach as we have now - no live load, but showing a live “new content” bullet to offer people an option to reload. 

                                                                              • The shifting/jumping was brought up here, honestly something needs to be done, i hate to say this, but FaceCrook has that feature....ahhhh they s*ck. How does Twitter function?

                                                                                • 🅆🄷🄴🄽 🅆🄸🄻🄻 🅃🄷🄸🅂 🄱🄴 🄸🄼🄿🄻🄴🄼🄴🄽🅃🄴🄳? Andrew Boon

                                                                                  • Andrew Boon i tried this in my timeline and it says Error: malformed macros

                                                                                    • I still wanna say content is a big need. Facebook, tagged and others have us beat and that's the reason they have population counts as they do and dedicated return members. Dolphin was loaded with content from code writers that drue in many members because of it. As UNA is right now, It's more dull and doesn't draw interest. So people tend to move on. The developing side is awesome, but when it comes to member intrigue and usability and content we are staggering dramatically.

                                                                                      I say this with good intentions for sure. But I know what worked beautifully on my Dolphin site, which drew in over 50,000 members and was receiving 10-15 members a day.

                                                                                      • I had over 35,000 members on my Dolphin site and I think the difference I'm seeing is more development for niche sites on UNA where Dolphin had more development for social sites. When I had UNA in mind for the switch I was really hoping to see Dolphin but in mobile viewing. I'm not trying to trash talk UNA. UNA is mobile but it's development is done on PC without the beautification of mobile viewing thus we see outdated fonts, outdated looking icons, no way for users to be able to switch colors of text, or backgrounds for their profiles. It's mostly lacking content that keeps users on the site. When people go on Mobile they want user engagement. They want something NEW that isn't offered on any of the top social media sites. Dolphin at one point was on top of their game. Chat Roulette, users could switch backgrounds, fonts, font colors. This has all been scrapped, all the unique features that Dolphin had is gone. We need to emphasize on stuff that people use mobile phones for. Music, videos, pictures, chat, video chat, games, animated icons and backgrounds....even simple functions involving swiping, pressing buttons, the viewing needs to be engaging...need more stuff like Photo Carousel by AQB Soft...stuff that just LOOKS good! The designing in UNA is lacking and that too is what keeps users interested. 

                                                                                        • Exactly it is content that fuels member numbers. U N A, a beautiful platform, where it is a lot easier and user friendly, but... Without content that keeps and fuels members active and online stability, you have a failing site. It almost feels backwards in content. You cant design a platform and call it better, if it does not first carry its previous features and content, but then add to it in future ventures and content availability. I like a lot of the features already available here. But my members don'y see that side of things. Content, content content is 100% needs for them. MAny have said that they already belong to social sites that already have such content and intrigue to keep them there.

                                                                                          There are already thousands of sites that offer Photo, video and file sharing, we need more...

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