Comment to 'Still waiting on answer on Jerome Mingo and why he and his APPS were abruptly removed....'
  • What's the deal with suspending our developers? MSolutions has still been working for me, even after UNA got took their mods down.

    Msolutions bailed on me. For close to 6 months I tried to go back and forth with them to get a simple $153 refund after one of their mods locked up my entire file system (File Manager). It f'ed up my server's file permissions I almost lost 6 months of work. I had to use a week-old backup to get everything restored.

    2 of their other mods simply caused sitewide glitches and we couldn't use them, I am a fan of many of their other mods and spent a lot of money, out of all of them, there were just 3 that caused problems and I asked for a refund back to my credits, they ignored myself and UNA's staff for several months. All they had to do was give the refund and their account would be restored.

    I tried to find them only so I could work things out to get the refund. But there are like 9 other companies using the Msolutions name, none of them programmers. So I had no direct way to contact them.

    I understand everybody's frustration in this matter, @Wise has been very helpful in finding solutions, but I also get his frustration. We rely on 2 of Msolution's Mods in Particular. however, none of the bugs in them have been fixed since their suspension. I had even granted them operator access to my site, and admin access to our servers so they could go in and fix bugs. But we were treated like we didn't matter. I put us very much behind schedule and continues to plague us to this day with their bugs. But until somebody else comes up with an alternative to the mods we depend on, we've been using in-house coders to keep the bugs at a tolerable level.

    I don't know anything about Jerome except that I did contact him once about a custom mod, and never got a reply after explaining what I needed. So we'll probably end up paying @AQB Soft to custom code the features we need since it's a practical guarantee with them that we won't run into any issues. It's too bad too. At the time we had a lot of money to throw at custom modules for our site... We are currently on a shoestring budget while we wait to generate revenue from our other non-UNA-related projects. That $153 in credits could have helped...

    Moving on Though, It has gotten harder to trust anybody on this site. If it's not UNA directly or AQB soft (which I'm aware does include people from the UNA team) It's difficult to find a trusted system when people reach out on here. @Wise has been chatting with me and showing off some pretty good skills. But I've had a few people message me on here who don't identify themselves or are vague about it, even had one guy message me claiming to be from UNA's Core team with no proof or any stags on his profile showing that he was with UNA.

    I think the best solution for UNA would be to hold a certain percentage back from cashouts for 30 days so that if there is a dispute here, UNA can issue a refund and help settle the matter without suspending a mod developer. Of course, if The Developer is getting multiple complaints about a modder that's another thing, but there should be some sort of solution and requirement put in place for things like this.

    • I was dealing with MSolutions for close to 3 months with no answer. Almost same situation. I was having an issue when updates were applied on UNA Script, but could not contact MSolutions to resolve the issues that were created after UNA update. My site was so messed up, it wasn't even funny. Jerome Mingo jumped in to try to help me, but couldn't figure out what was causing the issues, but did find that it was MSolutions apps. I dealt with UNA team support, but weeks would go by before any answer. They refused to get involved, or help in the matter.

      I have noticed that when you have issues here, and it becomes an issue for UNA, they tend to ignore you. Therefore, creating further issues for site owners. At one point Jerome Mingo found issues within the script for UNA, so I reached out to get them to address the never fixed issues, and they blamed others and never investigated my issue.

      It was a big wakeup call for me at that point...