Comment to 'Still waiting on answer on Jerome Mingo and why he and his APPS were abruptly removed....'
  • I agree with you, but I don't think paid-for mods would fall under the open-source nature of things.

    When things like this happen where a mod author is banned, leaves, dies, yes it would benefit others to look into the code and improve on it, but with these being paid mods, I'm sure there's licensing issues preventing that.

    I assume this is why UNA can't just consume a mod that should really be apart of the core script. UNA would be the first community script I came across that doesn't have a block feature to block other members of the site from interacting with them.

    AQBSoft has one that does 1/3rd of the job in terms of blocking, so that's nearly there despite me having to tweak the code locally to add in full blocking to where members can block others they simply don't want to be interacting with (such as spam adding as friend in its current form).

    It would just be nice if UNA could consume that mod and improve on it, but I'm sure there's limitations to this, albeit contract or licensing.

    @LeonidS may want to chime in on this for information validation.

    • You're right. But in my case, I'm all for open-source... I refuse to partake proprietary.

      For an example, I am the one who suggested and UNA executed Open Street Map.

      I tried to get them to change Black Lists to Block Lists. They won't. Still racial, there are facts behind it... not blaming AQBSoft/UNA. The origins of early developers way before BoonEx, even before AOL.

      Aboriginals didn't get their voices in Australia? I am very decolonisation... English is still white supremacy language in Americas, Australia and Torres Strait Islands. English belongs to England, period. Stop using racial terms. I don't need dramas. Accept the facts, shut up and change. Linux communities saw that and addresses diversity, equity, and inclusion. Why can't UNA do the same?

      We had over 1,000 tribes on Turtle Island and all knew sign language(s). English since took over, oppressed and forced to use English. Naw, time for y'all to start respecting First Nations/First Peoples languages and Deaf/Deaf-Blind/Hard-of-Hearing/Hearing-Loss/Late-Deafened Peoples languages. Another to ponder this, you know money, paper bills... why are they are not printed in braille? Wow, ignored Blind accessibility as well.

      My motto is "JUST SHUT UP AND COOPERATE."

      • Ummm... Well. Before you just go writing stuff as facts, you should research.

        And I am a proud American and I am also old school. You just ranted about a bunch of crap that has absolutely nothing to do with UNA or this post, however, to school you..

        Black list was never a racial term.'blacklist'%20was%20first,for%20engaging%20in%20union%20activity.

        Enjoy. And any person who thinks shut up is a motto, may need to reevaluate their own rants. Telling me to shut up makes me want to tell you all the more, sit down Karen.

        And I absolutely take offense to English being referred to white supremacy in America. This is just absurd. We speak English because we were settled by English colonials. You made absolutely no sense. None.

        • Black list has been a term used in the coding and website administration for many many years. Here is the breakdown, so you understand...

          Please see below....,

          BLOCKLIST: A term/Feature used to block people within a site, or on admin side. It is only used for this purpose. It is also used in situations where you are "Blocking an individual" only who is a user on the site. Which in most uses, the account is still there (On the site) but they are unable to do certain things or disabled all together.

          (Example of a Blocklist or Block: Blocking someone from your profile or an administrator blocking someone on admin side for misbehavior)

          BLACKLIST: A term/Feature used to blacklist a spammer, scammer or other phishing sites from even using the site. It is used to prevent hacking from certain IP's as well. Blacklisting keeps an IP/Individual from entering the site all together, by scanning an IP in most cases from a list. The Server usually monitors this list.

          (Example of a BLACKLIST: Blocking an IP or individual from even entering the site or total removal of a account, by IP or Username)

          There is even a third term called "WHITELIST", which is used in the opposite situation of a "BLACKLIST".

          Therefore this is why UNA will not change it for your verbal convenience. They both have a meaning and they are not interchangeable.

          Do your research before getting racial and pushy yourself. It has nothing to do with racial slur, or an "AMricans" standpoint.

          Again.... Both terms have different meanings.

          Addressing the Linux statement: I am a heavy user of "Linux". And it has the same definitions for both. So where you find your information seems to be a bit concerning.

          Again I really don't see how you turned a situation into another, lol.