Comment to 'Still waiting on answer on Jerome Mingo and why he and his APPS were abruptly removed....'
  • Then you are lucky :-) In my case he took the money for a custom modification of one of his modules, asked for more time and never delivered. Now he does not even respond to emails anymore. I use quite a few of his modules and am deeply disapointed by his behavior. In my case it's simply fraud as it looks at the moment. I will update if any of this perception changes.

    • I think that what UNA Devs did to him has soured Jerome on working with UNA any more. It is unfortunate that you have this experience with him, I will suggest you continue to try his contact methods, as he was a little slow to respond to me, but did eventually get the job done. I have several ways of contacting him if you need them. Hit me up and I'll email you directly if you want.

      • Please I will appreciate other ways to reach him.