Stephan B.

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Hi community,

ist there any way I can set organizations to auto accept friendship request, but still keep the option to approve membership requests for the same organization?

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I have a search form that includes a checkbox set. The default search operator within the check box set is "AND". I would like to change this to an "OR". i.e. when Checkbox "a" and checkbox "b" are "TRUE" all persons where checkbox "A" "AND/OR" "B" are "TRUE" are part of the search results. How can I achieve this without changing the code.

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Hi, I would like to add a switcher to the skills nested forms for example to switch if the skill is proven or not. The issue here is that for every skill the setting is the same and the activated switches are not saved. Is it possible to solve this via configuration in studio or do I need a customization for this?

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Hi, is there any way I can edit the "manage requests" table in the invtiations module while on una cloud? I added some additional fields to the request invitation part but cannot find the information from these fields anywhere.

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I am trying to add two custom file fields to the person profile.

When using the field type "files" no button for upload shows up. When using the "file" field type the upload button appears, but the file is not uploaded to the profile.

I can do uploads to the normal file section of the profile.

Any hint if I could have missed a step in the setup of the field?

Thank you for your help.

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una market place cannot be reached via my una-cloud based instance

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Hi everyone,

does anyone know how to change the language for the calendar and for Rocket Chat on UNA-Cloud instances. I think you need to change settings or a file, but as far as I know there is no access to the directories and files when working with UNA-Cloud.

Thank you for your help.


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It would be great to have the functionality to auto-create and auto-assign tasks. In my case I want users to enter a date in their profile and then have the option to auto-create a set of tasks based on the date they entered in their profile. That would be cool.

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hope someone can help with this one. I want to add the blocks for Child and Parent Space to the post in context page. However, they are not available for selection. They exist because they are by default included in the info page. But I cannot add them to any other page. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your help


  • 1464
Stephan B. Discussions
Auto-accept Friendship requests
How to change search operator for search form
Using switcher in skills nested form
Additional fields in "Request Invitation"
Issue with custom file field in Person Profile
una-market place returns HTTP 500 from una-cloud installed instance