See below for example of what I want to do....
I want to change the showcase view icons to also insert a specific icon on top of it, the icon i want to insert is the icon that is present in badges. Basically it will show the icon on their assigned badge on the showcase view, or none if there is no badge assigned. I can't seem to find a way to edit this showcase view, so any assistance would be really appreciated in this...
All I want to do is purchase an APP here for $49, which is it's listed price, and I am willing to pay it. Unfortunately the vendor (AQB) seems to only take credits for the purchase. The issue here is that although credits/Money is a 1:1 ratio, I cannot purchase 49 credits directly; I am forced to buy 60 credits (For a real total of $60 USD) just to buy the APP for 49 Credits. This means that UNA itself is gaining a profit of $11 for no reason at all. I don't have issue with UNA making a profit (Afterall it IS a business), but I feel kinda scammed when I am forced to overspend just to make a single purchase...
I have installed a chat server, and it does work fine. I would like to be able to click a button on my homescreen menu and have it open the chat in a seperate window, but stay on the homepage. how can I do this?
I need to know when a particular field (Radio set) gets changed in PEOPLE by a user. Does not matter how I am notified (email, conversation message, etc.) but that I am somehow made aware. I can't seem to find an APP that will do this, so I wonder is there any way to make UNA do it directly?
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I'm seriously pissed about this, I enjoy his APPS and was about to buy two more of them, but then he was Suspended, and all his APPS were taken down from the Site. I would really like ot know what is going on with this... Without any answer, I am seriously considering stopping using UNA as my platform of choice...
Pls notice that in the active people showcase view it has arrows on either end to scroll around. Unfortunately the arrows cover the people at either end of the showcase bar and you cannot click on them. Could we please move the arrows outside the bar gui? This is on the latest A3 build....
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below is where I want to add a button, that will trigger a JS function...I have searched everywhere, but cannot find where/how to add this...
The function I want is buried deep at the bottom of the : (more) menu, and no one will find it or use it, so putting it as a button where the arrow is would be perfect...
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