Comment to 'Upgrade Button optional in Membership block'
  • The challenge is different, Leonid. When I have a hierarchical membership model with Standard - non paying - Members and Supporting - Paying - Members, then they should only see payment information when they want to upgrade to paid membership or when they want to extend their paid membership for another period. So, the simple case is upgrading from Standard to Paying (this can be depict by the solution you gave above), the challenging case is extending a paid membership, because I only want to display ACL-view page to paying members when they are due to extend their existing paid membership for another period. All other members are not affected and should therefore never see the acl-view page. acl-view page is connected to payment service provider, in my case stripe. I think, every community platform has this need, when paid membership is depending on a hierarchical model, from free account to paid account - or free memebership to paid membership - and members who are never affected (admins, moderators, etc.).