Upgrade Button optional in Membership block

When using payed membership the "Upgrade" button is showing for all membership levels, even for admins, which is usually the highest level of membership. Would it be possible to make that button optional? As community admin I have no intention to pay for my own platform. Even my moderators, I would never urge to pay a dime. And people who already paid for their premium membership should not be confused, by showing them the upgrade button after payment has already be done. I have a one-year period for premium payed memberships. Active premium members will get a message anyways, when their premium status is about to expire. When they do not react in time, they will fall back to standard membership. After that the hidden Upgrade button could reappear.

Could you consider my proposal,  ?

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Replies (13)
    • By the way, mentions still vanish after editing an entry.

      • yes that i have ask me all time too :)

        • I've mentioned this. They said on their end it works fine but for me the mentions not only disappear but add links to the mentioned people's posts as if I'm adding those links on purpose.

          • Yeah, I too, always wondered why are mentions vanishing after editing a post or a comment? Is it a normal behaviour or is it a bug? @Alex T⚜️ @Andrey Yasko @Anton L

            • Hello @thomlin !

              About the Upgrade button - I guess you'd better hide this block for some levels.

              Hi all!

              If you have the error with the mentions then plz PM me with your Studio access to check it directly on your sites.

              • Hi Leonid, I did that before as you recommended. The disadvantage with hiding the membership block as a whole is, that you cannot use paid levels module anymore, for example. When members do not pay for their membership upgrade they will fall back to a standard membership. Standard members should see the upgrade button, paying members should not see it, during their paid membership period. Not affected members (Admins, Moderators) should never see the upgrade button. Therefore, it would be better to make the upgrade button dependent on membership level's permission module. In that case, navigation menus containing payment information would be hidden for not affected members.

                • Hi @Leonid S This issue of mentions vanishing occurs even here on UNA.io

                  • Then you may add the RAW block to the necessary page with the code like:


                    .acl-dbd-membership-actions {

                    display: none;



                    before the Membership info block. And make this block visible only for certain levels.

                    • I'll try that. Thx Leonid!

                      • The challenge is different, Leonid. When I have a hierarchical membership model with Standard - non paying - Members and Supporting - Paying - Members, then they should only see payment information when they want to upgrade to paid membership or when they want to extend their paid membership for another period. So, the simple case is upgrading from Standard to Paying (this can be depict by the solution you gave above), the challenging case is extending a paid membership, because I only want to display ACL-view page to paying members when they are due to extend their existing paid membership for another period. All other members are not affected and should therefore never see the acl-view page. acl-view page is connected to payment service provider, in my case stripe. I think, every community platform has this need, when paid membership is depending on a hierarchical model, from free account to paid account - or free memebership to paid membership - and members who are never affected (admins, moderators, etc.).

                        • It seems with the current Studio tools you may hide this button for the Admins / Moder too.

                          • If I only could hide the button alone for selected memberships and not the block as a whole, I'd be happy with that.

                            • Then create the block with my code and make it available only for the selected permissions levels. If this solution is right, but doesn't work - plz PM me.

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