Comment to 'stripe help'
Comment to stripe help
  • This is a legitimate question, from a paying premium/pro customer. I shouldn't be required to comb though code to learn how you implemented this. And for my 17 years of being around Boonex, if I report something, its not because I'm inexperienced. Its because it don't work. I've got the log, as I posted above. The customer_id is not being filled by stripe on return, so it errors.

    I doubt this is a configuration error, or a user error. Subscriptions work. Stripe payment ID as the back end name of the sub.

    Now, NO one off purchases work due to customer_id

    I need help. I'm not tracking and debugging code. Its why I paid pro. I'll "do it myself" if you advise what to check or do?

    • Where did these values even go?

      /m/payment/finalize_checkout/stripe_v3/8?mode=payment&order_id=pi_3P7Vj8RvhaF0CXNc1t82AJi1&customer_id=WhereIsIt&pending_id=23&redirect=WhereIsIt? :

      Where I placed "WhereIsIt?" there should be something there but they are coming back as null for both variables. It's as if they get lost in the mix during the processing. It's really sad that @LeonidS had made no attempt to further research this and would rather place the blame on you.

      You may want to look into a charge back if the service isn't working as intended.