Comment to 'Audit for site actions'
  • If it was possible to link this so that it is possible to indicate a reason why we are deleting an account this would be great. Ceal could be done at the time of deletion and recorded in the journal.
    For example: "Inconsistent profile" - "Unconfirmed email address" - "abusive behavior" so that when the member then asks why their account has been deleted, we can look at the reason in the log.
    What do you think of that Andrew?

    • We are adding a ‘moderator notes’ feature as well to keep track of such things, BUT it won’t work for account deletion. If account is deleted all of its data is removed fully as per GDPR requirements. So, if admins want to keep track of deletion reasons it has to be a separate spreadsheet of some sort - we can’t link this to an account once it’s deleted. 

      • Just. About GDPR this is much more serious, when can you fix this please?