Comment to 'I like the concept of Spaces, But...'
  • 1. Often Spaces are set up in a way that people only join (or are programmatically added to) a few spaces, not all. For example, where spaces are used for regions, people can be added to space based on their address postcode, or based on their location, or both. In this case, when posting, they only see a few spaces as options. 

    2. Alternatively, you can enable the "Add content" form inside of the space and use the Spaces browsing page for selection. 

    Do you mean a button inside of the Space/Group/"context..." like "Add..." with dropdown selection of content items similar to the site-wide button? It would make sense for sure, too. 

    • What "Add Content" block are you referring to.  I've been using una for about one month now, and I have no idea what you're talking about

      • What "Add Content" block are you referring to.  I've been using una for about one month now, and I have no idea what you're talking about

        This one, you need to add it to Group view page:

        • If by chance, you are talking about the Create Post (Context) block, that i just discovered and added to the 'View Space' page, the behavior is indeed close. But for 'Spaces' an add content function really should be on the actions menu, so you can see it regarles of what space content you are viewing. So... I think we are talking about adding an Action button that pops up a menu where you select the type of content to be added
          If there's an easy way to put this on the navigation menu. that would be a good start. The alternative would be to place the Create Post (Context) block in a dozen different places.

          That said, I find the find the behavior of Spaces a bit odd.  While you are on the Space View page, you have the Space menu will all its various items, you can navigate around, and still have the feel of being in a "Space".  However. once you post content, or view content, the Space menu is gone, as you are navigated away from the 'Space' you thought you were viewing, and you immediately feel disconnected from the space... because you are. It's not an elegant feel when you have to hit the browser back button to return to where you were.  I'm surprised no one has griped about this.