Comment to '13. Stable Version'
  • Thanks for that. I didn't have developer installed earlier, maybe that's why I didn't have a choice. Or I installed developer before the latest update, and didn't realise Update channel setting was set to Beta (by default).

    • You more than likely downloaded the zip archive from this website, which at the time, was only offering the RC builds (least, that's what was only offered to me). If you install UNA using a Alpha/Beta/RC provided build, I found that when the database is being setup, it automatically has users placed into the beta channel.

      And without the Dev application, users are just none the wiser about it even being an option. Given what you've said, I'm willing to bet that's what happened with your installation of UNA.


      Furthermore, maybe it's best that someone such as @LeonidS or @Alex T⚜️ (whomever controls that storefront) also include the stable builds when offering their downloads... or rather, don't hide them behind a menu most users won't think to click on a download section.
