Comment to 'extra CSS class for menu?'
  • Try the Firefox browser which has excellent built-in css tools for inspection and identification. Those tools will reveal the exact css class. Look under Tools / Development / Inspector.

    Other browsers also have an inspector, besides Firefox.

    Then you can go to your template settings (Protean, Lucid, or Ocean) and add the changes to "Custom Styles."

    By the way, there are several folders (directories) called template. If a file is changed in one of them, it could cause an upgrade issue at a later date.

          Good luck!

    • well, thanks for the answer. But I've tried that already :)

      The file is the templates/popup_trans.html. But the same problem: it's the same file for the popup menu as the popup to upload media. So if I change one background color it also changes the other. As one has light color for font and the other dark one of them is always unreadable. Same is with the buttons, it's class bx-btn so it changes all colors everywhere. 

      I need one class just for the popup menu best.