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my Una is running for years, version is 12.1.0.

In panel it shows "UNA 13.1.0 is available" but no update button.

When I switch in Developer to beta channel it shows 14.A2 and a upgrade button, but I like to stay with the version 13. But how do I achieve it then?

PS: yes my cronjobs running every minute

  • 903
Reposted trunky's discussion.

Which PHP is version currently recommended for Una 12 (or upcoming 13)?

It seems to run with 8.1 but throws some deprecation notices.

  • 946
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my community is running since Dolphin, was ported to UNA and updated since then. I made a mix for Protean once for Una. Now it gets a bit old and I wanted to switch to Lucid.

When I use the preview option it has a menu bar on top with all my menu options and the width is 1200 pixel.

When I activate the Lucid template, the menu bar looks completely different, the width is just 1000 pixel.

How can I reset the look so it looks like Lucid standard?

  • 1611
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Which PHP is version currently recommended for Una 12 (or upcoming 13)?

It seems to run with 8.1 but throws some deprecation notices.

  • 1934
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Hi there,

my UNA site broke down today. Only had a red "Database query error" instead the community.

When I try to export the database via Plesk it says

  • mysqldump: Got error: 1017: "Can't find file: './ppc_una/bx_timeline_hot_track.MYI' (errno: 2 "No such file or directory")" when using LOCK TABLES
  • ("program 'mysqldump' finished with non-zero exit code: %d", 2)

and I check my /var/lib/mysql/ppc_una/ and there's a bx_timeline_hot_track.frm but that is it. No MYI or MYD.

What should I do?

  • 1879
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It seems my UNA has been updated to 12.1.0 according to the dashboard. But I get error messages by email

PHP Warning:  Declaration of BxEventsTemplate::unitVars($aData, $isCheckPrivateContent = true, $sTemplateName = 'unit.html') should be compatible with BxBaseModGroupsTemplate::unitVars($aData, $isCheckPrivateContent = true, $mixedTemplate = false, $aParams = Array) in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 15

so I thought it would be a good idea to check the market for updates on the apps. But sadly only a blank page appear when I open the market.

What shall I do?

  • 1920
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I've added a communications indicator in my menu bar like here with the link to page/messenger. But it doesn't show the numbers of new message, what code do I have to add for this?

  • 2020
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almost a year since I updated my long-running Dolphin to a UNA page. It didn't well all smooth but however, the community is like 15k members but since the change to UNA I have 99% german (speaking) members logged in. It seems since Dolphin was replaced the rest of world and especially US members are completely left out and seems to never log in anymore.

I've tested with some browser and language but I am not sure. Does change UNA to english when one visit with an english preferences browser? The change of language in the lower bar is hardly noticeable. Has anyone put it somewhere else? Any input would be welcome, maybe I am not the only one with that....

  • 1888
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a) if the Video Player plays a big file (dimension, not file size), the container is only 430 px width, but the video is not scaled down so the outer sides are cut off. The CSS "max-height" is the wrong the wrong element.

b) if one tries to send a private message, one can't add the name of person. It doesn't get any error, only show's "put a name". So can't send messages to anyone by the message, only by visiting their profile.

Version Una 10.1.0

If anyone can confirm?

  • 1727
trunky Discussions
No Update button?
How to reset template...
Which PHP Version?
Database broken
12.1.0 and no app market
Dicussions Indicator? (like here)