Comment to 'I have two sites and since updating to version 12.01 I can't access my studio'
  • The others seems to have upgraded to 12.0.1.  I am not aware of my site having been updated, it not something I did but am checking with to TMD. 

    May be 'Autoupdate' is enabled on your site and it was applied with Cron. 

    Is someone on the UNA team looking into this? 

    I'm looking. :) Do you prefer somebody else? :)

    • Thank you Anton!  No offence intended!  Just meant if someone was looking to see anyting change on your side.  I'm asking TMD to tell me if my site was updated to 12.0.1 but for some reason i'm not get a simple yes or no answer.  I have them again to tell me if I am still on 12.0.0.  My cron job was not functioning until I updated to 12.0.0 so it could very well be what happened...i got updated.

      So if that is indeed the case, it seems like some was afoul with the update.

      And is disabling/reenabling timeline the answer? if so that is troubling.  will this happen again? and don't quite understand what going back to default looks like how much of reset is that...will i lose aaaall the changes i made associated with timeline? ie overlaps with other modules??

      • I'm getting this problem as well . I'm with tmd hosting as well 

        It seems the update failed 

        • Short version 

          I fixed it  by uploading the new BxTimelineTemplate.php
          and config.php  overwriting the old ones via ftp

          Studio  automagically came back up

          Looks like it worked on my 3 sites - and don't see any any anomalies.