Comment to 'Notifications '
Comment to Notifications
  • It will be fixed in 12.0.0-B2, it's very close to be releases within several days..

    • Alex, can you go over the update mechanisim, namely how files are transferred to my site from wherever they come from?  Do I need to set up an ftp user?  Folder permissions, etc.  I've only been working with Una for a few weeks, and I have a lot of catching up to do.

      • Alex, can you go over the update mechanisim, namely how files are transferred to my site from wherever they come from?  Do I need to set up an ftp user?  Folder permissions, etc.  I've only been working with Una for a few weeks, and I have a lot of catching up to do.

        UNA updates are downloaded to tmp folder or module folder, then files are copied over your site upon cron run. Since cron usually is run under the owner of files - no any additional setup is required, except proper cronjob setup.