Comment to 'Many identical pages with the same title'
  • I agree about the comments. At some point we made a decision to generate a separate page for each comment, mimicking Twitter experience where each tweet had a page. Rethinking it now - looks like we'd be better off with new module that creates threads of responses, and lave comments on parent page only. It is a bit complicated when pagination is on and we need to link/point to specific comment, which means we need to pull it out from potentially hidden sequence, but it can be done. We did something like that in NEO and will bring to UNA.

    There will be a challenge of redirecting old comment URLs to inline comments though.

    • Oooo yes, that would be wonderful if you changed it so that there is no longer a page for each comment, and instead a single page featuring all comments along with the original post! That was the first major feedback we have received on our new site, that it's confusing to click on a notification and only see your reply, and not see what you originally replied to!